Mutilationem example sentences

Related (8): mutilationem, amputationem, excisionem, castrationem, exarticulationem, extirpationem, abscissionem, eviscerationem.

"Mutilationem" Example Sentences

1. The barbaric act of mutilationem was condemned by the entire community.
2. The scars left by the mutilationem would never heal.
3. The victim of mutilationem was left disfigured for life.
4. The mutilationem inflicted upon the animals was deemed unacceptable by animal rights activists.
5. The mutilationem of the corpse was evidence of a vicious assault.
6. The practice of genital mutilationem in some cultures is a cause for concern.
7. The mutilationem of the artwork was a devastating loss for the art community.
8. The brutal mutilationem of the young boy evoked fear in the entire village.
9. The perpetrators of mutilationem should face severe consequences.
10. The psychological effects of mutilationem can be long-lasting and traumatic.
11. The mutilationem of historic monuments is considered vandalism and a crime.
12. The practice of self-mutilationem is a sign of underlying mental health issues.
13. The cultural significance of the ritual involving mutilationem was lost on outsiders.
14. The desecration of graves through mutilationem is deeply disrespectful and offensive.
15. The mutilationem of trees through deforestation is a global environmental issue.
16. The scars of mutilationem were a reminder of the horrors of war.
17. The explosion left many with injuries and instances of mutilationem.
18. The mutilationem of livestock for agricultural purposes is often deemed necessary but raises ethical concerns.
19. The mutilationem of the body can affect an individual's self-esteem and mental health.
20. The mutilationem of historical documents is a loss to the preservation of history.
21. The mutilationem of cultural artifacts can lead to the loss of important traditions and practices.
22. The mutilationem of body parts or organs without medical necessity is illegal in most countries.
23. The mutilationem of rare animal species for their valuable body parts is a threat to species conservation.
24. The consequences of mutilationem can last a lifetime and impact both physical and emotional well-being.
25. The practice of self-mutilationem should be taken seriously and properly treated by mental health professionals.
26. The mutilationem of landscapes and natural habitats through development and construction is altering the earth's environment.
27. The mutilationem of personal property, such as theft and destruction of possessions, can lead to financial and emotional distress.
28. The effects of mutilationem on victims can include post-traumatic stress disorder and difficulty trusting others.
29. The mutilationem of statues and public monuments has recently become the subject of controversial debates and protests.
30. The mutilationem of archaeological sites and historical landmarks can have irreversible effects on the preservation of human history.

Common Phases

1. The mutilationem of the artwork was a tragic loss for the art world;
2. The mutilationem of the soldier's leg was a brutal reminder of the horrors of war;
3. The mutilationem of the tree left it vulnerable to disease and decay;
4. The mutilationem of the book by censorship posed a threat to intellectual freedom;
5. The mutilationem of the historical site was a disservice to future generations.

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