Nabemono example sentences

Related (7): Shabu-shabu, sukiyaki, yosenabe, chankonabe, oden, yudofu, motsunabe

"Nabemono" Example Sentences

1. Today we had a delicious nabemono dish for lunch.
2. I love the comforting warmth of a hot pot of nabemono on a cold winter evening.
3. Have you ever tried making nabemono at home? It's easier than you think!
4. My favorite type of nabemono is sukiyaki with thinly sliced beef and noodles.
5. I can't wait to try the different variations of nabemono at the traditional Japanese restaurant.
6. Nabemono is a popular dish in Japan, especially during the winter months.
7. My grandma used to make the best nabemono with her secret recipe.
8. I always have a craving for nabemono whenever I feel under the weather.
9. The aroma from the nabemono simmering in the pot was making my mouth water.
10. We had a fantastic nabemono feast with friends, with lots of laughter and good company.
11. Nabemono is a communal dish, meant to be shared and enjoyed with others.
12. The broth in nabemono is flavorful and rich, with a comforting umami taste.
13. I like to add some vegetables and tofu to my nabemono for a healthy and vegetarian option.
14. Nabemono is also known as Japanese hot pot in other parts of the world.
15. The combination of meat, seafood, and vegetables in nabemono creates a satisfying and balanced meal.
16. I always make sure to have some cold beer or sake to go with my nabemono.
17. Eating nabemono is a fun and interactive experience, as everyone gathers around the hot pot and cooks their own food.
18. Nabemono is a flexible dish, where you can customize the ingredients and flavors to suit your preferences.
19. I learned how to cook nabemono from my Japanese host family during my study abroad program.
20. Nabemono brings back fond memories of family gatherings and holidays when I was growing up.
21. The key to a good nabemono is to use fresh ingredients and a good quality broth.
22. Nabemono is not just delicious, but also a healthy and nutritious meal option.
23. I love the variety of textures and flavors in nabemono, from the soft tofu to the chewy udon noodles.
24. Nabemono is a comforting and satisfying meal that warms you up from the inside out.
25. I always recommend nabemono to my friends who are looking for a unique Japanese dining experience.
26. Nabemono is a great way to bond with family and friends over good food and conversation.
27. The origin of nabemono can be traced back to the Edo period in Japan.
28. I always look forward to the seasonal variations of nabemono that incorporate different types of seafood and vegetables.
29. Nabemono is a hearty and filling dish that is perfect for a cozy night in.
30. I have yet to find a nabemono restaurant that beats the one I tried in Tokyo.

Common Phases

1. Let's cook some nabemono tonight;
2. Which type of nabemono would you like to try?;
3. Can you pass me some more ingredients for the nabemono?;
4. This nabemono tastes delicious!;
5. I always feel warm and cozy after eating nabemono;
6. Nabemono is perfect for a cold winter night;
7. We should have a nabemono party with our friends;
8. I love the variety of vegetables and meat in nabemono;
9. It's so fun to cook and eat nabemono together with family;
10. I can never get enough of nabemono!

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