Nebular example sentences

Related (3): nebula, nebulous, nebulousness

"Nebular" Example Sentences

1. The nebular hypothesis explains how our solar system formed.
2. The nebular cloud was illuminated by the nearby star.
3. Astronomers are studying a nebular outflow from a dying star.
4. The nebular phase of a star's life cycle is characterized by the formation of a disk of gas and dust.
5. A nebular spectrum contains emission lines from ionized gas.
6. The nebular glow surrounding the star was beautiful to behold.
7. Astronomers are keen to observe the interaction between a supernova and the surrounding nebular material.
8. The movie portrayed a breathtaking view of a colorful nebular cloud.
9. The nebular theory suggests that planets are formed from a disk of material around a protostar.
10. The nebular hypothesis provides an explanation for the origins of our solar system.
11. The nebular gas cloud was a dense mass of interstellar matter.
12. The bright nebular filaments in the image revealed the violent birth of a star.
13. The Hubble Space Telescope captured a stunning image of a nebular ring around a dying star.
14. The intense heat of the nebular gas drives the formation of planets in a protoplanetary disk.
15. The spectrograph revealed the chemical composition of the nebular cloud.
16. The reddish nebular emission lines indicated the presence of ionized oxygen.
17. The nebular cloud was the birthplace of the constellation Orion.
18. The protoplanetary nebulae around young stars often exhibit strikingly beautiful shapes.
19. The giant Orion nebula is one of the most impressive sights in the night sky.
20. The nebular glow of the star is caused by photoionization of the surrounding gas.
21. The nebular phase of a star's life is a critical stage for planet formation.
22. The nebular structure of the Horsehead Nebula is recognized by its distinctive shape.
23. The shadow of a dense cloud in the nebular gas created a magnificent contrast in the image.
24. The nebular cloud observed in the infrared spectrum gives clues about the distribution of organic molecules.
25. The mass of a protoplanetary nebula can influence the formation and evolution of a planetary system.
26. The bright nebular emission lines indicate the presence of a hot, young star.
27. The nebular gas can be excited by ultraviolet radiation from a nearby massive star.
28. The nebular hypothesis was proposed by Immanuel Kant and independently by Pierre-Simon Laplace.
29. The irregular shape of the nebular cloud indicates a complex formation history.
30. The colors of a nebular spectrum can reveal the physical conditions of the ionized gas.

Common Phases

1. The nebular hypothesis suggests that our solar system formed from a cloud of gas and dust;
2. The nebular model can also help us understand the formation of other star systems;
3. The outer regions of a nebular cloud often contain large amounts of icy materials;
4. The nebular gas is often ionized by ultraviolet light from nearby stars;
5. The protoplanetary disks that form around young stars are also part of a larger nebular cloud;
6. The nebular outflows from new stars can help regulate the gas and dust content of a galaxy;
7. The complex internal structure of a nebular cloud can give rise to a wide variety of astronomical phenomena;
8. The study of nebulae has revealed much about the fundamental physical processes that govern the universe.

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