Nestor example sentences



  - a king of Pylos in Peloponnesus, who in old age led his subjects to the Trojan War. His wisdom and eloquence were proverbial.


philosopher, scholar, thinker, savant, Solomon, Solon, pandit, authority, expert, guru, maharishi, mahatma, elder, teacher, mentor, fool

"Nestor" Example Sentences

1. Nestor was the wise old counselor of the Greeks during the Trojan War.
2. Nestor was known for his wisdom, experience, and gift of persuasive speech.
3. Nestor had fought in many wars and knew much from his long life.
4. Nestor's advice was often sought by the other Greek leaders.
5. Achilles and Odysseus often listened to Nestor's wise counsel.
6. Nestor spoke in a calm, reasoned tone that commanded respect.
7. At councils of war, Nestor was often the last to speak so that he could build upon others' ideas.
8. Nestor urged patience, compromise and understanding between the quarreling Greek leaders.
9. Though old, Nestor remained steadfast in battle and a source of inspiration for the younger warriors.
10. Nestor's advice helped keep the Greek army united against the Trojan enemy.
11. The other Greeks saw Nestor as a father figure and source of wisdom.
12. When issues divided the Greek allies, Nestor would speak up and urge unity and compromise.
13. Nestor embodied the patience and wisdom that came with age and long experience.
14. Odysseus often deferred to Nestor due to his great wisdom and seniority.
15. Achilles respected Nestor like a grandfather and often heeded his counsel.
16. Though Nestor was past his prime as a warrior, his wisdom remained undiminished.
17. Nestor's role was that of elder statesman, using words instead of arms to guide the Greeks.
18. Nestor reminded the Greeks of their common cause and heritage.
19. Nestor's level-headed advice helped calm the hot-tempered Achilles.
20. Nestor spoke with the authority of one who had seen and experienced much.
21. Nestor could trace his lineage back to the age of heroes.
22. A Nestor-like figure is one of wise counsel, experience and diplomacy.
23. The company sought the advice of its Nestor-like elder statesman.
24. Nestor argued for a cautious, measured approach to the problem.
25. Nestor used his gift for storytelling to illustrate his points and gain the army's respect.
26. Nestor was a moderating voice of reason among the passionate warriors.
27. Nestor urged the Greeks to focus their wrath on the Trojan enemy, not each other.
28. Even in his old age, Nestor's voice commanded instant respect and attention.
29. Nestor argued that patience and compromise would serve the Greek cause best.
30. Nestor's very presence inspired confidence and calm in his allies.
31. At the council, Nestor rose to speak, his Nestor-like words silencing the crowd.
32. Nestor's wise Nestor-like wisdom was exactly what the quarreling Greeks needed.
33. Nestor could trace his lineage back to the age of the Gods.
34. Nestor's diplomatic skills helped keep the alliance together through hard times.
35. Nestor's role was that of a mediator, arguing for compromise and understanding.
36. Nestor's famous chariot pulled by its four horses was renowned across Greece.
37. Nestor's many sons fought bravely alongside him.
38. Nestor summed up all the wisest arguments for patience and diplomacy.
39. Nestor argued that dividing the Greeks' strength played into the Trojans' hands.
40. Nestor often counseled moderation, urging the hot-tempered Greeks to keep their cool.
41. Nestor's Nestor-like advice helped Odysseus on his long journey home.
42. Nestor was a persuasive orator, able to sway warriors with his wise words.
43. Nestor called upon the Greeks' shared heritage and goals to reunite them.
44. Nestor could trace his lineage back to the age of heroes and Gods.
45. Even in his old age, Nestor was held in the highest esteem by his comrades.
46. Nestor's wise Nestor-like words helped soothe the rage of Achilles.
47. The old man spoke with a Nestor-like wisdom that commanded respect.
48. Nestor argued that anger and division only aided the Trojans.
49. Nestor acted as a father figure to the younger warriors.
50. Nestor's Nestor-like arguments helped reunite the quarreling Greeks.

Common Phases

1. Nestor-like wisdom
This refers to the wisdom that comes with age and vast experience, as personified by the legendary Greek figure Nestor.
2. Nestor-like figure
An elder statesman or wise leader who fulfills an advisory role through wisdom gained over many years.
3. Nestor-like council
Impartial and wise counsel given by an experienced and respected figure.
4. Nestor-like advice
Cautious and moderate recommendations imparted by a seasoned advisor.
5. Nestor-like words
Wise, diplomatic, and persuasive speech with gravitas.
6. Nestor-like arguments
Reasoned and compelling arguments built upon experience.
7. A Nestor to guide them
An elder statesman who can provide wise counsel and leadership.
8. He speaks with a Nestor-like voice
His tone and manner of speech are authoritative and persuasive.
9. The seasoned veteran played a Nestor-like role
He offered calm and impartial advice based on his extensive experience.
10. A Nestor for our times
An older, respected leader who exemplifies wisdom and diplomacy.
11. He sought Nestor's counsel
He wanted the advice of the wise, experienced leader.
12. Nestor summed up the arguments
He articulated the wisest, most reasonable position based on all viewpoints.
13. His Nestor-like role
An advisory position based on his age and long experience.
14. The epitome of Nestor-like patience
The embodiment of patience gained through age and many challenges.
15. His Nestor-like stance
His calm, moderate, and well-reasoned position.

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