Nibbed example sentences

Related (4): Ink, pen, tip, pointed

"Nibbed" Example Sentences

1. She nibbed on her pen while she thought about the answer.
2. The little mouse quickly nibbed away at the piece of cheese.
3. He carefully nibbed the arrows to make them sharper.
4. She nibbed the corner of her sandwich before taking a bite.
5. The puppy happily nibbed on his chew toy.
6. He nibbed the edge of the cookie to make it easier to break in half.
7. She gently nibbed on her lover's earlobe.
8. The artist nibbed the pen to create intricate details on the sketch.
9. The rabbit nibbed on the carrot before taking a big bite.
10. He nibbed the parchment to make it easier to roll.
11. She nervously nibbed on her fingernail.
12. The bird nibbed away at the seeds in the feeder.
13. He nibbed the crayon to make it easier to color with.
14. She nibbed on the end of the straw while she waited for her drink.
15. The goat nibbed on the grass in the field.
16. He carefully nibbed the wax crayons to create a smoother texture.
17. She nibbed on the pen as she listened to the lecture.
18. The caterpillar nibbed away at the leaves on the branch.
19. He nibbed the quill to create finer lines on the parchment.
20. She nibbed the edge of the envelope to make it easier to open.
21. The hamster nibbed on the sunflower seeds in his food bowl.
22. He nibbed the edge of the paper to make it easier to fold.
23. She nervously nibbed on her lower lip as she waited for the meeting to start.
24. The beaver nibbed away at the bark of the tree.
25. He nibbed the edge of the knife to make it sharper.
26. She absentmindedly nibbed on the end of her hair.
27. The toddler nibbed on the corner of his book.
28. He nibbed the edge of the metal to create a smoother surface.
29. She nibbed the bread crust before taking a bite of her sandwich.
30. The sheep nibbed on the grass in the meadow.

Common Phases

1. The caterpillar nibbed on the leaf; leaving only the stem behind.
2. She carefully nibbed at the edges of the paper with her scissors to create a clean edge.
3. The mouse nibbed on the piece of cheese; making small bite marks.
4. He nibbed on his lower lip nervously; waiting for the interview to start.
5. The puppy nibbed on my hand playfully; without any intention to harm.
6. The horse nibbed on the grass in the meadow; enjoying its afternoon snack.
7. She nibbed on the end of her pencil; trying to come up with an idea for her essay.
8. The bird nibbed at the seeds on the bird feeder; leaving a trail of crumbs behind.

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