Nimby example sentences

Related (10): protest, opposition, resistance, complaints, objections, dissent, disapproval, reluctance, refusal, recalcitrance

"Nimby" Example Sentences

1. The residents of the affluent neighborhood protested against the construction of a homeless shelter, citing NIMBY concerns.
2. Many politicians avoid discussing controversial issues due to their fear of facing NIMBY opposition.
3. The NIMBY attitude of the local community proved to be a major obstacle in the development of a solar farm.
4. The NIMBY mentality of city councils often leads to a lack of affordable housing for low-income families.
5. The NIMBY syndrome often results in the stalling of important infrastructure projects.
6. In many cases, the NIMBY mentality is driven by selfishness and a lack of concern for the less fortunate.
7. The NIMBY factor can often prevent the implementation of environmentally friendly initiatives.
8. The rampant NIMBYism in certain areas is a worrying trend that threatens progress and development.
9. Many people criticize NIMBYism as being shortsighted and narrow-minded.
10. The NIMBY attitude of some communities can lead to the displacement of vulnerable populations.
11. The NIMBY mindset is often driven by the fear of change and a desire to maintain the status quo.
12. In some cases, the NIMBY mentality can be overcome through effective communication and engagement with local residents.
13. The NIMBY issue is highly complex and requires a nuanced approach to address effectively.
14. The NIMBY argument is often used as a cover for outright discrimination and prejudice.
15. The NIMBY mantra fails to acknowledge the interdependence of communities and the need for collaboration.
16. The NIMBY dilemma is a common problem faced by policymakers across the globe.
17. The NIMBY phenomenon reflects the tension between individual rights and the common good.
18. Many developers find the NIMBY problem to be a major obstacle to their work.
19. The NIMBY debate often centers around questions of equity, democracy, and fairness.
20. The NIMBY mentality can be particularly damaging in communities with high levels of inequality and social division.
21. The NIMBY bias can be difficult to overcome in the absence of strong leadership and public engagement.
22. The NIMBY backlash can result in delays and cost overruns, ultimately hurting taxpayers.
23. The NIMBY syndrome can lead to the proliferation of unchecked urban sprawl and environmental damage.
24. The NIMBY challenge often requires innovative and creative solutions to balance competing interests.
25. The NIMBY issue highlights the importance of inclusive and participatory decision-making processes.
26. The NIMBY mentality can result in missed opportunities for economic growth and development.
27. The NIMBY tendency can be overcome through dialogue, empathy, and compromise.
28. The NIMBY mindset can sometimes be justified when it is based on legitimate concerns about health and safety.
29. The NIMBY syndrome can be minimized through proactive community engagement and stakeholder management.
30. The NIMBY argument is often based on a false premise that development is inherently harmful.

Common Phases

1. "Not in my backyard"
2. "We support green energy, but not here"
3. "I don't want my property value to decrease"
4. "I don't want the noise pollution"
5. "We're concerned about the environmental impact"
6. "There are already enough developments in this area"
7. "We don't want the traffic congestion"
8. "We're worried about the health risks"
9. "This will spoil our town's character"
10. "We don't trust the developers' intentions"

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