Nonselective example sentences

Related (10): general, indiscriminate, random, haphazard, arbitrary, imprecise, all-encompassing, untargeted, undiscriminating, non-discriminatory

"Nonselective" Example Sentences

1. The herbicide was broad-spectrum and nonselective, killing most plants it touched.
2. The nicotine toxin in the plant was largely nonselective, affecting most animals that ingested it.
3. Antibiotics can either be broad-spectrum and nonselective, or narrow-spectrum and selective.
4. The gunfire was indiscriminate and nonselective, hitting civilians and combatants alike.
5. The bomb destroyed everything in its path in a nonselective manner.
6. The poison gas spread through the city in a nonselective fashion, harming young and old.
7. The medication had nonselective effects that resulted in many common side effects.
8. Researchers found that the drug acted in a nonselective way on multiple receptor sites.
9. The cyclone left widespread devastation in a nonselective manner, destroying homes and businesses.
10. Defoliants are often broad-spectrum and nonselective herbicides.
11. The pesticide displayed nonselective toxicity, killing beneficial insects along with the pests.
12. The neurotoxin impacts neurons in a nonselective manner, leading to widespread symptoms.
13. MAOIs act in a nonselective way, inhibiting both MAO-A and MAO-B.
14. Nonselective MAO inhibitors increase serotonin levels and cause adverse reactions.
15. The enzymes have a broad but nonselective substrate specificity.
16. The drug shows nonselective receptor binding, which contributes to numerous side effects.
17. Serotonin acts as a nonselective neurotransmitter in the brain.
18. The drug demonstrated low receptor selectivity and a predominantly nonselective binding profile.
19. The agonist binds nonselectively to multiple receptor types.
20. Nonselective β-blockers block both β1 and β2 receptors indiscriminately.
21. Selective β-blockers only target the β1 receptors while avoiding β2 receptors.
22. Nonselective NSAIDs inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes.
23. COX-2 inhibitors demonstrate greater selectivity by targeting only the COX-2 enzyme.
24. Nonselective cation channels are permeable to many different ions.
25. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors affect neurotransmission in a largely nonselective manner.
26. The pesticide impacted nonselective tissues throughout the plant.
27. The chemical attack had nonselective effects, sickening many civilians and soldiers.
28. The medicine had a broad therapeutic index but acted in a nonselective pharmacological manner.
29. Many GABAergics act via nonselective binding of multiple GABA receptor subtypes.
30. Nonselective kinase inhibitors target several kinases rather than a single target.
31. Benzodiazepines show high affinity for but low selectivity among GABAA receptor subtypes.
32. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors exhibit nonselective inhibition of both MAO-A and MAO-B.
33. The receptor agonists displayed high potency but low subtype selectivity.
34. The neurons have few selective connections and mostly nonselective synapses.
35. Nonselective electrical signals recruit many fibers in an indiscriminate manner.
36. The drug affects GABAergic neurotransmission through nonselective mechanisms.
37. The fire spread quickly through the building in an uncontrolled and nonselective manner.
38. The herbicide wiped out all plant life on the farm in an indiscriminate and nonselective way.
39. The toxin had nonselective effects, poisoning people and animals alike.
40. The aerosol contained a nonselective virus that infected everyone it touched.
41. The experiment showed that the compound bound nonselectively to multiple receptor sites.
42. The researchers found the drug to have weak selectivity and broad, nonselective effects.
43. The enzyme exhibits broad substrate specificity and interacts with compounds in a nonselective fashion.
44. The neuroleptic exhibits low receptor selectivity and nonselective binding.
45. The surgeon performed a nonselective vagotomy that blocked both parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers.
46. Nonselective agents have a broad range of effects due to low receptor specificity.
47. Nonselective inflammation results in widespread tissue damage.
48. The drug acts in a nonselective manner to decrease neurotransmitter reuptake.
49. The poison acted in a nonselective way, causing gastrointestinal, neurological and cardiovascular symptoms.
50. The laser destroyed tissue in an uncontrolled and nonselective manner.
51. The neurotoxin disrupted neuronal signaling in a largely nonselective fashion.
52. The filter selected for particles based on size in a nonselective manner.
53. The drug targets GABA receptors in a nonselective manner, increasing inhibitory neurotransmission.
54. The herbicide acted in a nonselective fashion, damaging leaves, stems and roots.
55. The radiation therapy impacted nonselective tissues, causing unintended side effects.
56. The medication exhibited weak receptor selectivity and broad, nonselective pharmacological activity.
57. The chemical attack caused widespread, nonselective damage throughout the city.
58. The drug inhibited neurotransmitter reuptake in a predominantly nonselective manner.
59. The pesticide acted in an indiscriminate and nonselective way, killing bees and earthworms.
60. The drug showed low receptor selectivity and broad, nonselective effects.

Common Phases

1. Broad-spectrum and nonselective
This refers to drugs, chemicals, or other agents that impact a wide range of targets in an indiscriminate way.
2. Little to no receptor selectivity
This means a drug binds to and impacts multiple receptors with similar affinity, rather than being selective for one particular receptor.
3. Acts in an undiscriminating/indiscriminate manner
This indicates an agent impacts various targets without distinguishing between them.
4. Low receptor specificity
An agent exhibits low receptor specificity when it impacts multiple receptor types, rather than being specific for one receptor.
5. Shows nonselective binding
The agent binds to and affects several targets rather than binding selectively to a particular receptor or site.
6. Has broad, nonselective effects
The agent impacts many systems in the body in an undiscriminating way due to low receptor selectivity.
7. Little receptor subtype selectivity
The drug impacts multiple receptor subtypes similarly, rather than displaying selectivity for one particular subtype.
8. Exhibits nonselective substrate specificity
The enzyme interacts with and impacts various substrates in an indiscriminate manner rather than selectively targeting certain substrates.

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