Northwest example sentences

"Northwest" Example Sentences

1. The wind was blowing from the northwest.
2. The cabin sits on a hilltop in the northwest forest.
3. The tornado touched down just northwest of town.
4. We drove northwest along the winding country road.
5. The old oak tree stood tall in the northwest corner of the field.
6. The city northwest of here is known for its beautiful beaches.
7. The herd of elk wandered into the meadow from the northwest.
8. Northwest Airlines has daily flights to Seattle.
9. The storm system is moving in from the northwest.
10. They headed northwest through the mountain pass.
11. The ranch sits high in the northwest hills.
12. The Northwest Territories are cold and remote.
13. The property lines run northeast and northwest.
14. Northwest wind warnings were in effect for the region.
15. Northwest Smith was a character in Five Fingers.
16. The Northwest Passage was unnavigable until recent times.
17. The view from the balcony looks out northwest over the valley.
18. Northwest Portland is home to many bike paths and parks.
19. The volcanic mountain range runs from southeast to northwest.
20. The Northwest Company traded furs with native tribes.
21. The Northwest Coast has a temperate climate and lush rainforests.
22. The homesteader claimed his land in the northwest corner of the territory.
23. The anticipated storm is moving in from the northwest.
24. The Northwest Ordinance established the territory government.
25. Northwest Georgia has beautiful mountains and lakes.
26. The farmer's land stretches from southwest to northwest.
27. Northwest Ohio has a warmer climate than other parts of the state.
28. Portland, Oregon is an important city in the Northwest United States.
29. The Northwest Passage was important for trade and exploration.
30. The new development was planned for the northwest part of town.
31. He moved to the Northwest after college to seek his fortune.
32. Washington is known as the Evergreen State in the Northwest U.S.
33. The pioneers followed the Oregon Trail to settle the Northwest.
34. She drove northwest to visit the National Parks in Montana.
35. They watched the sun set over the northwest mountain range.
36. The streets were cleared first in the northwest section of the city.
37. Northwest Iowa is primarily farm country.
38. The explorer launched his expedition from the Northwest Territories.
39. The ski resorts in the Northwest get the most snow.
40. The landscape transitions from dry desert to wet Northwest coast.
41. Northwest Florida has beautiful beaches and bayous.
42. The Lewis and Clark expedition explored the Louisiana Purchase in the Northwest.
43. Northwest Arkansas is becoming an important region for business and tourism.
44. The state stretches from southeast to northwest along the coast.
45. The rugged Northwest coastline runs the length of the state.
46. Northwest New Mexico has beautiful high desert landscape.
47. A cold front will move through the Northwest on Sunday.
48. The Northwest Pacific gets a lot of rainfall each winter.
49. Northwest Ohio has a variety of produce growing in its rich soil.
50. The Northwest Passage would make trade with Asia much faster.
51. Northwest Oklahoma is known as Tornado Alley.
52. The new shopping mall was built in the northwest corner of the county.
53. Northwest Pennsylvania is known for its natural gas deposits.
54. The warm jet stream hits the Northwest coast in winter.
55. The new resort was built along the northwest shore of the lake.
56. The pioneers settled first in the Willamette Valley of Northwest Oregon.
57. Northwest South Dakota has beautiful scenery and historic sites.
58. The paintings favored warm, yellowed hues of the Northwest landscape.
59. Northwest Virginia has rolling hills and farmland.
60. The airplane headed northwest over the mountains.

Common Phases

1. The house is located in the northwest corner of the property.
2. The storm system will move into the region from the northwest.
3. Northwest Airlines has nonstop flights to Chicago.
4. We'll take the northwest exit to avoid traffic.
5. Portland, Oregon is situated in the northwest United States.
6. Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest region.
7. The ranch is situated in the northwest hills.
8. The volcano sits on the northwest side of the mountain range.
9. The winds blow from the northwest in the winter months.
10. Idaho lies just to the northwest of Utah.
11. Washington state is directly northwest of Oregon.
12. Mount Rainier sits in the northwest corner of Washington state.
13. The Pacific Northwest is known for its abundance of rain.
14. Northwest Territories is a territory of Canada.
15. Vancouver, British Columbia is located in the extreme northwest of Canada.
16. The jet stream divides and flows around the Rocky Mountains in a northwest direction.
17. The window faces the house's northwest exposure.
18. The rock formation juts out from the northwest cliff face.
19. The property line runs along the northwest edge of the lot.
20. The residents of the Pacific Northwest are accustomed to the rainy winters.
21. The storm moved in from the northwest, bringing heavy rain and wind.
22. An outcropping of granite rises from the northwest shoreline.
23. The sunset lights up the clouds in the northwest sky.
24. Alaska extends farthest northwest of all the U.S. states.
25. The trail follows the ridge along the northwest side of the mountain.
26. Northwestern University is located in Evanston, Illinois.
27. The valley opens up to the northwest, allowing a view of the distant mountains.
28. The Northwest Territories are Canada's third largest territory.
29. The prevailing winds in this area come from the northwest.
30. The northwest quadrant of the garden needs more shade.
31. The plane made a turn toward the northwest after takeoff.
32. The settlers traveled to the Pacific Northwest by wagon train.
33. The historic Northwest Passage connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
34. Northwesterly gusts battered the town during the blizzard.
35. The Pacific Northwest is known as a temperate rainforest biome.
36. Oregon Trail pioneers headed northwest to settle in Oregon Country.
37. The sun rises in the northeast and sets in the northwest.
38. The compass needle points to the northwest.
39. The river flows from the southeast into the lake to the northwest.
40. The tribes of the Pacific Northwest were known for their totem poles and wood carvings.
41. Northwest Territories covers about 1.3 million square kilometers.
42. Northwesterly winds bring colder air from Canada.
43. The Northwest region has a very diverse geography.
44. Northwest Airlines was founded in 1926.
45. The volcano erupts and sends ash clouds to the northwest.
46. The proposed road will run from southwest to northeast across the northwest section of the property.
47. The dogs howled as the wind howled from the northwest.
48. Northwest Passage was first successfully navigated in 1906.
49. Growth in the Pacific Northwest is outpacing the rest of the country.
50. The trail crested the ridge and began a descent to the northwest.
51. Northwesterly rough seas battered the ship as it rounded Cape Horn.
52. The Pacific Northwest has temperate rainforests, mountains, plains, and coastlines.
53. Northwest Territories has a shortage of infrastructure and road access.
54. The old farmhouse faces the rising sun in the southeast and sets in the northwest.
55. The map shows northwest Idaho bordering Canada to the north.
56. Seattle's Space Needle is an iconic landmark of the Northwest.
57. Northwesterly winds carry precipitation from the Gulf of Alaska.
58. Northwest monsoon winds blow from land to sea in the summer.
59. Vacations to the Pacific Northwest often involve hiking and mountain views.
60. Northwest Territories has vast natural resources in minerals, oil, and natural gas.

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