Noway example sentences

Related (1): impossible

"Noway" Example Sentences

1. There's no way I can finish that project by tomorrow.
2. No way am I spending my entire weekend stuck inside working.
3. Not a chance I'm letting you borrow my car after what happened last time. No way.
4. Noway I'm climbing that mountain, it looks way too dangerous.
5. No way in hell am I getting on that rollercoaster, you couldn't pay me to do that.
6. There's no way they can arrive on time now, the traffic is horrendous.
7.No way are you leaving without an umbrella, it's absolutely pouring outside!
8. There's absolutely no way I'm going skydiving, nope nope nope.
9.That hike is like 10 miles, no way I can do that, my legs will fall off.
10. No way am I missing The Game for your party, Jim, put that out of your mind now.
11. Noway am I spending my Friday night cleaning the garage, that can wait.
12. I told you there's no way I'll be able to pay you back this week, I need more time.
13. Not a chance I'll be able to finish this report by tomorrow morning, boss, noway.
14. There is no way that dog is gonna stay out of the trash can, he'll find a way in.
15. No way am I driving a manual transmission car ever again, my left leg still hurts!
16. Not a chance those cookies are just for us, noway you baked two dozen by mistake!
17. There's no way that movie can possibly live up to all the hype, it'll be a letdown.
18. No way could I eat that entire pizza by myself, I'd be in a food coma for a week!
19. Noway I'm recycling all these cans myself, let's split it halfway and call it good.
20. No way was I speeding, officer, the speed limit sign must have been further up.
21. There's absolutely no way I can help you move this weekend, I have way too much work.
22. There is no way on God's green earth I would vote for that candidate, nohow no way.
23. No way I'm jumping into that cold lake, forget that, I'll watch from the safety of land.
24. There's noway I can answer all those emails by 5, I might have to work late tonight.
25. Noway could I eat an entire pumpkin pie by myself on Thanksgiving, half a slice maybe.
26. No way am I standing in that reception line and shaking hands with 100 people, no siree.
27. Noway could I finish that 500 piece jigsaw puzzle in a week, that's totally unrealistic.
28. There's no way I'm climbing to the top of that ferris wheel, I'll feel queasy just looking down.
29.There ain't no way I'm paying full price for a movie ticket on release day, I'll wait til it's cheaper.
30. Noway in the world am I salsa dancing in front of all those people, count me out of that activity.
31. There is no way that plant is going to survive if you keep forgetting to water it, face the facts.
32. No way I'm going parasailing - strapping myself to a parachute being pulled by a speedboat?! No thanks.
33. Noway that movie ended in a plot twist, you're pulling my leg, movies never actually end that way.
34. There is no way that oven is preheated already, I just turned it on two seconds ago, noway Jose!
35. Noway we can finish painting that entire house in a single day, it'll have to be a two or three day job.
36. No way would I ever ride a mechanical bull, forget that, I'll be falling off within 2 seconds flat.
37. There's noway that marching band wins first place this year, their tempo is all over the place.
38. No way could I eat an entire watermelon by myself in one sitting, I'd get sick just thinking about it.
39. There's no way around it, we're gonna have to get a permit for that construction project.
40. No way in hell am I sawing through that rusty pipe without a breathing mask, forget it.
41. Noway could I win a foot race against a cheetah even if I had a 10 second head start, cheetahs are too dang fast!
42. There is no way that recipe will make enough sauce for the entire pasta dish, we'll need double the ingredients.
43. No way did that cat actually catch a bird, it's probably hiding in the bushes with an empty beak right now.
44.There ain't no way I'm running a marathon, that's like 26 miles! Have you lost your mind?!?
45. Noway could I eat an entire large pizza by myself, half would be my absolute limit for sure.
46. There ain't no way I'm ever riding in a hot air balloon, I'm terrified of heights, forget it!
47. There is no way I'll ever understand quantum physics, noway, I'll stick to the easy stuff thanks.
48. No way am I watching a horror movie this late at night, I'll have nightmares for a week!
49. No way could that song actually make me cry, nohow, noway, I don't shed tears over music.
50. There's no way in heck I'd watch that scary movie with you, I hate being scared out of my wits.
51. Not a chance I'll remember where I put my keys, they're lost for good now, there's no way of finding them.
52. No way in heck am I spending my vacation cleaning the house, this time is for relaxing, darn it!
53. Noway am I riding that rollercoaster again, I almost threw up the first 4 times, forget it!
54. There's noway I'm eating another slice of that pizza, I'm already in a food coma as we speak.
55. No way am I singing karaoke in front of a crowd, forget it, noway nowhow nohow.
56. There is no way that oven is preheated already, I just turned it on two seconds ago, noway Jose!
57. Noway could I climb Mount Everest, that's like the hardest mountain to climb on the planet!
58. There's no way we can finish that 1000 piece puzzle tonight, let's save it for the weekend.
59.No way am I watching the latest installment in that horror franchise, the last one gave me nightmares.
60. No way am I walking home in this downpour, I'm calling an Uber, I don't care how much it costs!

Common Phases

No way Jose! - Used to emphatically refuse or reject something.
Noway nowhow - Used to emphasize that something will definitely not happen.
No way in hell - Used to strongly assert that something will not happen under any circumstances.
No way in heck- A milder alternative to "No way in hell" used to strongly assert that something will not happen.
Not a chance - Used to firmly state that something is unlikely or impossible.
Forget it - Used to refuse an idea or suggestion.
There ain't no way - Used to strongly assert that something will not happen. The duplication of "no" adds emphasis.
No how no way - Another way to emphasize that something definitely will not happen.
Noway nowise - An alternate phrasing of "noway nowhow" to signify absolute refusal.
No chance in heck - A variation of "no way in hell" used to emphasize that something is impossible or won't happen.
Nohow no way - Another emphatic refusal. The duplication emphasizes that there are no conditions under which something will happen.
No ways about it - An idiom meaning there are absolutely no possibilities of something happening.

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