Nowhere example sentences

Related (8): Vacant, Deserted, Isolated, Remote, Barren, Forsaken, Abandoned, Far-flung.

"Nowhere" Example Sentences

1. There was nowhere to hide.
2. She had nowhere else to go.
3. His efforts led him nowhere.
4. She searched everywhere but found nowhere to live within her budget.
5. There was nowhere left for him to turn.
6. The witness saw him nowhere near the crime scene.
7. Their opinions differ on nowhere more prominent than taxation.
8. I have nowhere else to look for a solution.
9. The truth is nowhere to be found.
10. The lack of evidence left his story nowhere to corroborate it.
11. Nowhere in the instructions did it say to do that.
12. His search for answers led him nowhere.
13. He saw and heard nothing from nowhere.
14. Peace seems nowhere in sight.
15. Happiness proved nowhere in her future.
16. Progress was nowhere in view.
17. The light he sought was nowhere to be seen.
18. Justice seemed nowhere within her reach.
19. The solution appeared nowhere in the textbook.
20. Their hope lied nowhere else but within themselves.
21. Answers seemed nowhere within her grasp.
22. Solutions appeared nowhere in view.
23. His alibi proved nowhere to substantiate his claim.
24. There was nowhere left to run.
25. The destination proved nowhere in sight.
26. Help appeared nowhere forthcoming.
27. Happiness seemed nowhere within her grasp.
28. Sanctuary proved nowhere to be found.
29. His words meant nowhere more than the most superficial.
30. Their origins lie nowhere else but within ourselves.
31. Safety seemed nowhere attainable.
32. The end seemed nowhere in view.
33. Solutions proved nowhere apparent.
34. The crime scene revealed nowhere else he could have been.
35. She could find comfort nowhere else.
36. There seemed nowhere she could turn for help.
37. There was nowhere left for me to hide.
38. Peace remained nowhere within sight.
39. He searched high and low, but found nowhere she could be.
40. The boat floated aimless, nowhere within sight of land.
41. There was nowhere left for them to run.
42. The instruction manual provided nowhere near enough information.
43. Answers seemed nowhere forthcoming.
44. Progress proved nowhere within reach.
45. Escape appeared nowhere possible.
46. Truth remained nowhere within grasp.
47. The mugger appeared from nowhere.
48. His wrongs will go nowhere unpunished.
49. Arguments lead them nowhere productive.
50. His excuses amount to nowhere meaningful.
51. The expedition turned up nowhere fruitful.
52. Evidence points nowhere conclusively.
53. Their search yielded nowhere satisfactory.
54. Her tears dried up nowhere.
55. Arguing with him went nowhere fast.
56. I searched high and low but found nowhere.
57. Discussions led them nowhere useful.
58. The money went nowhere traceable.
59. Their research turned up nowhere conclusive.
60. His search for truth led him nowhere.

Common Phases

1. Nowhere to be found - Unable to be located; missing.
2. Nowhere near - Not close at all; very different from.
3. Nowhere close - Not anywhere close in amount, quality, similarity.
4. Nowhere fast - Not making much progress; going nowhere quickly.
5. Come from nowhere - Appear suddenly and unexpectedly.
6. Lead nowhere - Result in no progress or useful outcome.
7. Get you nowhere - Not help you achieve your goals.
8. Go nowhere - Make no progress.
9. Amount to nowhere - Have little or no substance, value, or meaning.
10. Nowhere man - A clueless, ineffectual person without direction in life.

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