Numbers example sentences

Related (6): digits, figures, numerals, integers, decimals, fractions

"Numbers" Example Sentences

1. The number of homeless people continues to grow.
2. Children have difficulty remembering numbers.
3. The lottery numbers were finally drawn.
4. She memorized the phone numbers of all her friends.
5. Please write down the part numbers we will need.
6. He dialed the wrong number by mistake.
7. What are your phone numbers? I want to add you to my contacts.
8. Phone numbers are easier to remember when they spell words.
9. The stock market numbers were down today.
10. The numbers on the license plate were hard to read.
11. The veterinarian's phone number is on the fridge.
12. He entered the account number when paying his bill online.
13. The cashier told him the total number of items he purchased.
14. Can you repeat the serial numbers to me?
15. The password has both letters and numbers.
16. They guessed numbers in an attempt to win the jackpot.
17. The number of COVID cases continues to climb.
18. The register printed a number for the customer to wait.
19. The math problems involved adding and multiplying numbers.
20. Can you give me the part numbers I need for the repair?
21. The teacher wrote numbers on the board for the students to copy.
22. The phone rang but I did not recognize the number.
23. She remembered her mother's phone number from childhood.
24. The bus was crowded with commuters on their way to work.
25. I lost the paper with all my important phone numbers.
26. Can you tell me your house number? I need to look it up.
27. The students took turns reading numbers aloud.
28. The recipe calls for a number of different spices.
29. He wrote down all the contact numbers he could think of.
30. The numbers printed on the page were blurry and hard to read.
31. The math class focused on learning basic number facts.
32. Inventory numbers were low following the holiday rush.
33. Her lucky number is seven.
34. The test scores were numbered 1 through 100.
35. The clock showed the wrong time so we adjusted the numbers.
36. Social security numbers are used to identify individuals.
37. The package had a tracking number to follow its progress.
38. The article summarized the key statistics and numbers.
39. The home's address includes the street name and house number.
40. The numbers on the weight scale kept going up.
41. Are there any phone numbers I should call in case of an emergency?
42. The recipe called for precise measurements and numbers.
43. Small children often confuse certain numbers.
44. The numbers on the runners' bibs helped identify them.
45. Can you repeat that number for me to confirm?
46. The cashier read out the scanned item's product number.
47. Children often have trouble learning their phone numbers.
48. Numbers are an important part of math and science.
49. Can you make a list of all the important phone numbers?
50. Numbers are used all the time in daily life.

Common Phases

1. The cafeteria was getting crowded and the line was getting longer, with more people joining in big numbers.
2. The protesters gathered in large numbers to demonstrate against the new law.
3. The numbers on the screen showed that the sales were up 10% from last year.
4. He sees numbers everywhere, even in places where most people see nothing but shapes or objects.
5. The tally showed that the winning team had outscored their opponents by wide numbers.
6. Membership numbers have declined sharply this year.
7. His winning lottery ticket had the winning numbers printed on the back.
8. I remembered the keypad code by memorizing the numbers.
9. She dialed the phone numbers from memory.
10. The enrollment numbers do not look good for this semester.
11. He has trouble remembering numbers and sequences.
12. I lost my numbers in the mess on my desk.
13. The cash register displayed the total and change amounts in large numbers.
14. She wrote down the phone numbers in her notebook.
15. Please read out the numbers on the card so I can write them down.
16. The statistics show alarming numbers of students failing the final exam.
17. He struggled to make sense of the large numbers and calculations in the financial report.
18. The accountant totaled up the numbers in the spreadsheet.
19. They quickly ran out of the jersey numbers they wanted.
20. They see random numbers and patterns where others see only static.
21. She was good at basic math operations but struggled with large numbers.
22. The statistics showed record numbers of voters turning out for the election.
23. Please turn your cell phones off or put them on silent during the demonstration to avoid interruptions from random numbers calling.
24. My phone number is listed under my name in the directory.
25. The call display showed the incoming phone number.
26. He has been trying for months but just can't seem to memorize phone numbers.
27. She was assigned jersey number 12 for the season.
28. The evacuation order listed a set of street numbers to leave immediately.
29. The company is hoping to increase sales numbers with their new ad campaign.
30. The teacher asked the students to take turns reading the numbers aloud.
31. Unemployment numbers are up again this month.
32. His bank account balance showed a series of numbers and decimals.
33. The large multi-digit numbers on the billboard were hard to read from far away.
34. The pin number for the ATM card was a sequence of four numbers.
35. The hotel checkout form asked for my credit card number.
36. The roster listed the players' names and jersey numbers.
37. The stock market index showed negative numbers today.
38. The gym lockers required three-digit combination numbers.
39. The test scores showed disappointing numbers, with most students failing.
40. The serial number was printed on the bottom of the device.
41. Membership numbers have remained fairly consistent over the years.
42. The star player wore the iconic number 23 jersey.
43. The quantity amounts were represented in numerical form.
44. The scores were so close that they came down to just a few points' difference in numbers.
45. The statistics showed that criminals were targeting that area in increasing numbers.
46. I struggle to remember names but numbers come easily to me.
47. My PIN number is a sequence I will never forget.
48. The digital clock displayed the time in large glowing numbers.
49. The numbers on the license plate were hard to read in the dim light.
50. Results showed the team failing to meet targets by wide margins in all key metrics and numbers.
51. The stock market opened lower, with declining numbers across the board.
52. We had to come up with numbering systems to identify our belongings.
53. The chart showed a bell curve distribution of the test scores and numbers.
54. The financial report showed record profits in large bold numbers.
55. He struggled to balance the large numbers in his checkbook.
56. The thermostat displayed the room temperature in digital numbers.
57. Sudoku puzzles involve filling in numbers based on placement rules.
58. Her phone number has been the same for years.
59. The spreadsheets consisted primarily of columns of numbers and cells.
60. The number of ballots still uncounted could change the results of the election.

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