Numbly example sentences
Related (10): numbly, apathetically, impassively, unresponsively, indifferently, emotionlessly, woodenly, stoically, phlegmatically, expressionlessly.
- adverb form of numb
numb (adjective)
- deprived of the power of sensation:
- unable to think, feel, or respond normally:
- deprive of feeling or responsiveness:
- cause (a sensation) to be felt less intensely; deaden:
numb, numbed, benumbed, dead, deadened, desensitized, insensible, insensate, senseless, unfeeling, anesthetized, drugged, dazed, stunned, stupefied, paralyzed, petrified, immobilized, frozen, chilled, torpefied, sensitive, responsive, deadening, desensitizing, benumbing, anesthetizing, anesthetic, paralyzing, torpefying, freezing, glacial, raw, piercing, cutting, bitter, arctic, polar, deaden, benumb, desensitize, dull, anesthetize, drug, daze, stun, stupefy, paralyze, petrify, immobilize, freeze, chill, torpefy, obtund, sensitize"Numbly" Example Sentences
1. He walked numbly down the street, still in shock from the news.
2. She nodded numbly, unable to process what she had just heard.
3. I sat numbly by the phone, waiting for it to ring.
4. She picked up her phone with numb fingers and dialed the number.
5. He stared numbly at the wall, unable to comprehend what had happened.
6. I answered her questions numbly, not yet able to fully grasp their implications.
7. She blinked back tears and nodded numbly when the doctor gave her the prognosis.
8. The boy trudged home from school numbly, the teacher's scolding still echoing in his ears.
9. I shook the man's hand numbly and stumbled out of his office in a daze.
10. He got dressed for work that morning numbly, not really thinking about what he was doing.
11. She ate breakfast mechanically and numbly, still half asleep.
12. She stared numbly at the TV, unseeing and unhearing what was on.
13. The student answered the teacher's questions numbly, his mind still on the girl who had just rejected him.
14. I did the dishes and made the bed numbly, going through the familiar motions on autopilot.
15. The victim stared numbly into space, reliving the trauma over and over again in her mind.
16. She brushed her hair and teeth numbly, only half aware of her actions.
17. He turned the pages of the book numbly, unable to focus on or comprehend anything he was reading.
18. I got dressed and went to work that morning numbly, barely functioning or interacting with others.
19. She washed the dishes and swept the floor numbly, lost in her own thoughts.
20. He did his chores numbly, unable to summon any motivation or interest in what he was doing.
21. The child stumbled home from the playground numbly, traumatized by what he had witnessed.
22. I answered her questions and requests numbly, devoid of any real emotion.
23. I walked down the street numbly, not really seeing the people and places I passed by.
24. The audience clapped numbly at the end of the lackluster performance.
25. The player received his award numbly, still in shock that his team had lost the championship.
26. He shook hands with coworkers and made small talk numbly, his mind elsewhere.
27. She went through her morning routine numbly, lost in thought and detached from her surroundings.
28. I sat in the meeting and nodded along numbly, my mind still reeling from that morning's news.
29. The nurse tended to the patients numbly, her mind preoccupied with her personal troubles.
30. The witness answered the lawyer's questions numbly, struggling to maintain her composure.
31. The daughter helped her grieving mother numbly, trying to hide her own sorrow.
32. I got out of bed and dressed numbly that morning, depressed and despondent after our fight last night.
33. The boy did his chores numbly, still shaken up after witnessing the fight between his parents.
34. I stared at the computer screen numbly, unable to focus on or make sense of what I was reading.
35. I shook hands and made small talk with the other guests numbly, my mind still reeling from the shocking news.
36. The children played outside numbly, sullen and withdrawn after their parents' announcement.
37. I accepted my award numbly, still in shock that I had actually won.
38. The boxer got up numbly after the brutal knockout, only on autopilot at that point.
39. She made dinner numbly that night, unable to stop replaying the argument in her head.
40. They clapped numbly at the end of our pathetic performance, more out of politeness than actual appreciation.
41. I washed the dishes and did laundry numbly that weekend, still reeling from the traumatic event.
42. She walked to class numbly that morning, withdrawn and despondent after the big fight with her boyfriend.
43. I got out of bed, showered, and got dressed numbly that morning, still numb with shock over the tragic news.
44. The audience sat numbly through the long, boring lecture, barely paying attention.
45. The child walked home from school numbly after being suspended, ashamed and upset.
46. I curled up in bed numbly after hearing the bad news, unable to process or accept what had happened.
47. The soldier returned home numbly after his deployment, distant and detached from his family.
48. The player answered reporters' questions numbly after the devastating loss, struggling to maintain his composure.
49. The survivor told his story numbly, detached and unable to truly describe the horrors he had witnessed.
50. I drove to work numbly that morning after the fight, barely paying attention to the road.
51. The student did his homework numbly that night, still shaken up after witnessing the accident on his walk home from school.
52. She vacuumed the floors and dusted the furniture numbly that weekend, still devastated after the argument with her husband.
53. The witness gave her testimony numbly in court, wooden and emotionless as she recounted the traumatic event.
54. The boxer got up after being knocked out numbly, dazed and confused about what had just happened.
55. I showered, dressed, and went to work numbly that morning, still overwhelmed with shock and disbelief.
56. He listened to the lecture numbly, barely absorbing any of the information being presented.
57. She opened the letter numbly, dreading what it might contain.
58. The boxer got up numbly after being knocked down for the third time, fighting on instinct alone at that point.
59. The athlete accepted his medal numbly, still in disbelief that he had actually won.
60. I walked to class numbly that day, moving like an automaton after receiving the tragic news.
Common Phases
1. He walked numbly down the street, still in shock from the news.
2. She nodded numbly, unable to comprehend what she had just heard.
3. I sat numbly staring at the computer screen, my mind blank.
4. He picked up the phone numbly and dialed the number with trembling fingers.
5. I followed my parents numbly out of the hospital, the tragedy weighing heavily on my mind.
6. She slid into the car seat and buckled up numbly, tears blinding her vision.
7. His fingers tapped numbly on the keyboard as he tried to focus on the work.
8. She turned the pages of the photo album numbly, unable to process the happy memories.
9. The client droned on and on, but I only half listened, responding numbly when necessary.
10. She cooked dinner that night out of habit, moving numbly through the familiar motions.
11. He went through the motions of his day numbly, his mind elsewhere.
12. I answered questions in class numbly, unable to muster up any enthusiasm.
13. She washed the dishes numbly, her mind still reeling from the tragedy.
14. I clapped along numbly during the performance, my heart not really in it.
15. The child rode the bus to school numbly, tears still drying on her cheeks.
16. The jury filed out of the courtroom numbly, weary from the long case.
17. He got dressed for work numbly that morning, dreading facing his colleagues.
18. I practiced my scales on the piano numbly, unable to summon any joy in music at that moment.
19. She walked by familiar places numbly, noticing none of the normal details.
20. I navigated the busy sidewalks numbly, bumping into people but not apologizing.
21. The actors delivered their lines numbly that night, the magic of the play lost.
22. I flipped through photographs numbly, not connecting with the smiles frozen in time.
23. He ate his favorite meal that night numbly, the flavors not registering on his tongue.
24. I made polite conversation at the party numbly, my mind still focused on my troubles.
25. The employees filed into the meeting room numbly, knowing difficult news was coming.
26. Her feet carried her up the familiar stairs numbly, her spirit still heavy with sorrow.
27. I laid in bed that night numbly staring at the ceiling, sleep refusing to come.
28. Customers came and went, but I could only respond numbly, my thoughts elsewhere.
29. I answered the phone numbly, already knowing the caller had more bad news.
30. The little girl began her walk home from school numbly, the harsh words of her classmates ringing in her ears.
31. I swiped my credit card numbly at the grocery store, not paying any attention to my purchases.
32. The team filed onto the field numbly, already expecting a difficult match ahead.
33. I flipped through familiar photo albums numbly, remembering the joy they once brought and now only feeling melancholy.
34. The musician plucked the strings numbly, the music none too pleasing.
35. The boy held onto his favorite stuffed animal numbly that night, trying in vain to find comfort.
36. I followed the yoga instructor's directions numbly that evening, unable to find any peace in the motions.
37. The students filed into class numbly that morning after hearing the tragic news.
38. The elderly woman watered her plants numbly, the happiness they once brought her gone.
39. I typed out social media post numbly, my heart not in the words.
40. His fingers twirled the string absentmindedly and numbly.
41. I browsed through old vacation photos numbly, the happy memories lost.
42. The child loaded the dishwasher numbly that night, her spirit still shaken by the fight with her friend.
43. I scrolled through news headlines numbly that morning, unable to truly comprehend any of the stories.
44. Customers came and went at the store, but I served them numbly, my mind consumed with worry.
45. The woman looked through her morning emails numbly, unable to focus on the words.
46. I carried the grocery bags up the stairs numbly that evening, feeling exhausted but unable to rest.
47. The students listened to the lecture numbly that morning, their minds still consumed with worries.
48. The athlete completed his daily workout numbly, his heart not in it after the disappointing loss.
49. I swept the floor numbly that evening, my thoughts far away.
50. The fans filed out of the stadium numbly after the devastating loss.
51. I toasted marshmallows over the campfire numbly that night, my heart heavy with sadness.
52. The children completed their homework numbly that evening, their minds still shaken by the terrible news.
53. I completed my daily tasks at work numbly, my focus elsewhere.
54. The nurses moved through their morning routine numbly, weary from the long shift.
55. The teacher read through papers numbly that evening, unable to summon any enthusiasm to provide feedback.
56. I browsed Reddit numbly that afternoon, unable to muster any real interest in the usual distractions.
57. The zookeeper tended to the animals numbly that morning, thinking of the painful betrayal back home.
58. The audience members filed out of the auditorium numbly after the lackluster performance.
59. I turned the handle numbly and walked into the house, a dull numbness filling my heart.
60. I scrolled through photos of past vacations numbly, unable to muster any joy from the happy memories.
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