Obeyers example sentences

Related (12): followers, subjects, adherents, devotees, acolytes, disciples, servitors, supplicants, minions, henchmen, vassals, slaves

"Obeyers" Example Sentences

1. The disobedient child was scolded by his parents for not obeying their orders.
2. Obeyers of the law are respected by the society.
3. The judge warned the defendant to obey the court's ruling.
4. The police officer ordered the suspect to obey his commands.
5. The teacher reminded her students to obey the school's rules.
6. The parents expected their children to obey their instructions.
7. The principal advised the students to obey the regulations.
8. The soldier was trained to obey orders without hesitation.
9. The citizens must obey the laws of the country.
10. The commander demanded that his troops obey his commands.
11. The supervisor instructed his team to obey the safety protocols.
12. The coach told his players to obey the rules of the game.
13. The commander-in-chief demanded absolute obedience from his troops.
14. Obeyers of the rules are rewarded with privileges.
15. The government expects its citizens to obey the laws.
16. The police officer commanded the crowd to obey his orders.
17. The captain ordered his crew to obey his commands.
18. The instructor required his students to obey the instructions.
19. The leader expected his followers to obey his orders.
20. The commander required his soldiers to obey his commands.
21. The parents reminded their children to obey their instructions.
22. The sergeant ordered his troops to obey his commands.
23. The principal insisted that students obey the school's rules.
24. Obeyers of the faith are rewarded with eternal life.
25. The teacher advised the students to obey the rules.
26. The coach reminded his players to obey the regulations.
27. The supervisor required his team to obey the safety protocols.
28. The captain demanded that his crew obey his orders.
29. The commander-in-chief expected absolute obedience from his troops.
30. The instructor instructed his students to obey the instructions.
31. The leader demanded that his followers obey his orders.
32. The sergeant required his troops to obey his commands.
33. The government expects its citizens to obey the laws of the country.
34. The police officer commanded the crowd to obey his orders without hesitation.
35. The parents reminded their children to obey their instructions or face the consequences.
36. The principal insisted that students obey the school's rules or face punishment.
37. Obeyers of the law are respected and rewarded with privileges.
38. Obeyers of the faith are rewarded with blessings from the Almighty.
39. The commander demanded that his troops obey his commands without question.
40. The commander-in-chief expected absolute obedience from his troops at all times.

Common Phases

Follow instructions; Obey the rules; Respect authority; Listen carefully; Pay attention; Be on time; Be courteous; Ask questions; Take responsibility; Show initiative.

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