"Obtrusively" Example Sentences
1. The salesman obtrusively pushed the expensive product on the customer.
2. She obtrusively checked her phone every few minutes during the meeting.
3. The waiter obtrusively hovered around our table the entire evening.
4. The loud music obtrusively disrupted the peaceful atmosphere.
5. He obtrusively interrupted the speaker to make his own point.
6. The bright neon sign obtrusively lit up the entire street.
7. The intrusive paparazzi obtrusively followed the celebrity everywhere.
8. The heavy perfume she wore obtrusively filled the room.
9. The competitive coworker obtrusively boasted about her achievements.
10. His flashy car obtrusively stood out in the dull parking lot.
11. The politician obtrusively campaigned for himself at the event.
12. The overbearing boss obtrusively micromanaged every aspect of the project.
13. The large billboard obtrusively blocked the view of the scenery.
14. She obtrusively chewed gum and snapped it loudly during the lecture.
15. The obtrusive email notifications constantly distracted her from her work.
16. The intimidating bodyguard obtrusively stood behind the celebrity at all times.
17. The overly-friendly neighbor obtrusively invited himself over for dinner.
18. The persistent telemarketer obtrusively called during dinner time.
19. The elaborate hairstyle she had obtrusively drew attention to herself.
20. The arrogant athlete obtrusively showed off his skills to everyone.
21. The loud and obnoxious group of teenagers obtrusively disturbed the peace.
22. The expensive and flashy jewelry obtrusively displayed her wealth.
23. The obtrusive air conditioning unit made loud noises all night long.
24. Her constant need for attention obtrusively disrupted the group conversation.
25. The large and obtrusive sculpture dominated the entire room.
26. The anxious dog obtrusively barked at every little noise.
27. The obtrusive traffic noise made it difficult to concentrate.
28. The obnoxious laugh she had obtrusively annoyed everyone.
29. His obtrusive snoring kept everyone awake at night.
30. The obtrusive perfume ad in the magazine caught her attention.
Common Phases
1. He
obtrusively interrupted the meeting; everyone turned to him.
2. She
obtrusively showed off her wealth; we were all uncomfortable.
3. He
obtrusively bragged about his accomplishments; no one was impressed.
4. They
obtrusively criticized the speaker; it was rude.
5. She
obtrusively stared at the couple; they felt uncomfortable.
6. He
obtrusively pushed his way to the front of the line; we all sighed.
7. They
obtrusively talked during the movie; it was annoying.
8. She
obtrusively displayed her authority; we all felt uneasy.
9. He
obtrusively flirted with her; she was not interested.
10. They
obtrusively complained about the service; it was unnecessary.