Occures example sentences

Related (6): happens, transpires, arises, manifests, materializes, emerges.

"Occures" Example Sentences

1. The event occures every year in the same month.
2. This type of error usually occures during software updates.
3. Cupping occures due to changes in temperature and humidity.
4. Misunderstandings often occure when communication is unclear.
5. An earthquake occures when tectonic plates shift suddenly.
6. Accidents can occure due to a lack of attention or carelessness.
7. The peak of flu season usually occures during the winter months.
8. Water scarcity occures in many parts of the world due to climate change.
9. The growth of new cells and tissues occures during the healing process.
10. A power outage occures when there is a disruption in the power supply.
11. Damage to the environment occures due to human activities such as deforestation.
12. Panic attacks can occure due to high levels of stress and anxiety.
13. A stroke occures when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted.
14. Inflation occures when the cost of goods and services increases over time.
15. Fraudulent activities can occure in any industry, including finance and healthcare.
16. Changes in the stock market occure frequently and can have a significant impact on investors.
17. Food poisoning occures when contaminated food is consumed.
18. Protests and demonstrations often occure in response to social and political issues.
19. Traffic congestion occures during rush hours in busy cities.
20. Species extinction occures due to factors such as habitat destruction and climate change.
21. The melting of polar ice caps occures due to global warming.
22. A data breach occures when sensitive information is compromised or stolen.
23. Natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes occure with varying frequencies and intensity.
24. The spread of infectious diseases can occure rapidly in crowded places such as schools and airports.
25. Breakdowns in communication often occure in relationships and can lead to conflicts.
26. Accidents occure more frequently during bad weather conditions such as snowstorms and heavy rain.
27. The occurrence of cancer can be influenced by factors such as genetics and lifestyle choices.
28. A power surge occures when there is a sudden increase in electricity in a circuit.
29. Cyberbullying can occure through social media platforms and other online channels.
30. Errors in medical diagnoses occure due to various factors such as misinterpretation of test results.

Common Phases

1. Accidents occur unexpectedly; no one plans for them.
2. Mistakes occur frequently; it's important to own up to them.
3. Natural disasters occur without warning; be prepared.
4. Miracles occur rarely; cherish them.
5. Breakthroughs occur through hard work and perseverance; don't give up.
6. Changes occur constantly; embrace them.
7. Errors occur in all areas of life; learn from them.
8. Opportunities occur when you least expect them; be ready.
9. Complications occur in complex situations; seek help if needed.
10. Surprises occur in life; enjoy the unexpected.

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