"Offshoots" Example Sentences
1. The tree branch had several offshoots growing from it.
2. The company was one of many offshoots from the original parent organization.
3. The movement soon had numerous offshoots and splinter groups forming across the country.
4. The main highway branched into several offshoots that led to small towns in the area.
5. The river split into many offshoots forming islands and wetlands.
6. The family business had spawned several successful offshoots run by different family members.
7. The invention led to the development of many unforeseen offshoots and adaptations.
8. His theories had many implications and intellectual offshoots that were pursued by other scholars.
9. The architecture firm created several offshoot companies that specialized in interior design.
10. His research program generated many offshoot studies by his students and colleagues.
11. The company eventually spun off several successful offshoot businesses.
12. The language eventually evolved into several distinct linguistic offshoots.
13. The teachings of the spiritual leader resulted in many sectarian offshoots.
14. The main project led to many creative offshoots that explored tangential ideas.
15. New scientific discoveries often lead to numerous technological offshoots and applications.
16. The initial findings spawned a large number of related offshoot studies.
17. Their music gave rise to numerous genre offshoots and subgenres over the years.
18. The software product spawned numerous clone and offshoot products by other companies.
19. The cult soon fractured into numerous schismatic offshoots across the country.
20. The political movement eventually split into competing ideological offshoots.
21. Some of the most interesting art comes from offshoots and tangents of established genres.
22. The mathematical formula had numerous creative offshoots and adaptations.
23. The main exhibit hall branched into several smaller offshoot galleries.
24. The main hallway broke into several narrower offshoot corridors.
25. The musical piece gave rise to numerous offshoot compositions in different keys and times.
26. The protests soon grew into dozens of splinter and offshoot movements.
27. The research led to numerous accidental and fortunate offshoots and side-effects.
28. The root system had several adventitious offshoots growing from it.
29. The scientific field has many interesting intellectual offshoots and applications.
30. The style branched out into many regional and localized offshoots over time.
31. The theory split into several contradictory offshoots among his followers.
32. The vine had numerous tendril offshoots clinging to nearby structures.
33. Their literature soon spawned numerous genre offshoots and adaptations.
34. Their music gave rise to numerous offshoot genres and fusions over the years.
35. The company's many innovative offshoots made it extremely profitable.
36. The discussion branched into several unrelated offshoot conversations.
37. The evolution of the language resulted in numerous regional offshoots.
38. The gang soon split into several violent offshoot factions.
39. The highway split into several unmarked offshoot roads in the forest.
40. The movement soon fractured into ideological and geographical offshoots.
41. The musician's compositions led to many offshoot works by his students.
42. The organization eventually spawned numerous independent yet allied offshoots.
43. The pathway branched into several lesser-used offshoot trails.
44. The plant's root system had several adventitious offshoots spreading outwards.
45. The project produced many accidental yet valuable offshoots and byproducts.
46. The religion eventually split into numerous competing theological offshoots.
47. The river split into several braided offshoots around the islands.
48. The scholarly work had numerous implications that were pursued by others.
49. The scientific advancement led to numerous technological and medical offshoots.
50. The story spawned numerous fanfiction offshoots and continuations.
51. The street branched into several narrower offshoot lanes.
52. The vine had many long tendril offshoots that reached the ground.
53. They formed several successful business offshoots based on their original startup.
54. Unknown genes often regulate numerous offshoot metabolic pathways.
55. Various offshoots and adaptations of the genre gained popularity over time.
56. We explored several of the lesser-known offshoot paths off the main trail.
57. Years later there were many sovereign offshoots from the original empire.
58. You can trace the numerous cultural offshoots that developed from the movement.
59. Your writings led to numerous inspired offshoots by other aspiring artists.
60. The highway soon divided into several separate offshoot roads leading to the suburbs.
Common Phases
1. Give rise to
offshoots - The original idea or concept led to the development of related but separate branches or variants.
2. Spawn
offshoots - To produce or create new related branches as a result or consequence.
3. Develop
offshoots - The branches emerge or form as the main idea or concept expands.
4. Generate
offshoots - The main theme, concept or product results in the creation of related branches.
5. Produce
offshoots - The original entity results in branches that sprout from the original source.
6. Lead to
offshoots - The main notion or thing leads to the formation of related yet separate branches.
7. Branch into
offshoots - When the main route or path splits into separate but connected subsidiary paths.
8. Have
offshoots - When an entity such as a concept, idea or organization results in related variants.
9. Form
offshoots - When similar yet distinct branches emerge from the original source.
10. Split into
offshoots - When the primary entity divides into separate but connected derivative entities.