Ons example sentences

Related (19): operations, onsets, onlookers, onset, onsides, onscreen, onward, onrushes, onetime, onslaught, ongoing, onsetters, onwards, onshore, onsettings, onscenities, oneness, onwardly, onomastics

"Ons" Example Sentences

1. The security orns prevented unauthorized entry.
2. The merchandise is subject to import duty orns.
3. He has many amusing anecdotes and stories to tell.
4. The class had an assignment of 30 math prblems.
5. The tax orns made the purchase more expensive.
6. The shopkeeper hired a security grd to protect his store.
7. The shipment was delayed due to customs inspections.
8. The apartment bldg needed several reprs to fix issues.
9. There was a heavy police preence in the neighborhood.
10. The campaign encountered several obstcl rushing to meet deadlines.
11. The deer fled at the sound of hunting hnds.
12. The workers faced many chllengs in completing the project.
13. The building had several fire exits and escape rmps.
14. The community experienced many advntgs living near the beach.
15.There were several optins to choose from on the menu.
16. His remarks caused quite a stir at the press frnce.
17. Condensing the report into a summary proved a real chlenge.
18. She suffered many hardshps during her childhood.
19. There were ample amenits at the luxury resort.
20. The voyage entailed many perils on the stormy seas.
21.They fled at the first sign of troble.
22. The lawsuit resulted in substntial dmges being awarded.
23. They had a lively discussn about current affairs.
24. She gave a heartfelt demostration of her feelings.
25. The running back had several brillnt runs during the game.
26. The trip provided ample opportunties for sightseeing.
27. The teacher provided clear directns for the assignment.
28. The clue provided little assitance in solving the mystery.
29. The weather caused many hrships for the travelers.
30. The efforts resulted in minor alteratns to the initial plan.
31. The teacher provided ample assistnce during office hours.
32. The organization provided substntial relief efforts after the earthquake.
33. The recipe required several distinct insredients.
34. There were numerous worrisome developmnts in the situation.
35. The vandals left telltale signs of their presence.
36. Her performance drew several unexpected ovatins from the audience.
37. The horse ran with spirited motivn during the race.
38. The insructins were not very useful for compleing the project.
39. The schedule allowed for ample provisins in case of delays.
40. The architects created an inspring visn for the building.
41. The delays caused several frstrations for the passengers.
42. There were ample amusemnts at the carnival for children.
43. The criminals were charged with several felony cymes.
44. The incidents created quite a stir in the media.
45. The prject involved several risky maneuvers.
46. The stadium had many ameneities for fans.
47. His remarks caused quite a commtin among the listeners.
48.There were numerous startlng similarities between the two objects.
49.The ship wreck left few survivrs on the shore.
50. There were ample recreatnl facilities for the hotel guests.
51. Numerous obstacles challenged our progress.
52. The press release caused a flurry of speculatns.
53. The robber left telltale clues at the crime scene.
54. There were various entertanments provided for the children.
55. The storm caused much misery and hardshp along the coast.
56.Several mechanical defects hampered the machine's operatns.
57.The customer had numerous complants about the product.
58. The hotel provided ample amenitles and comforts for guests.
59. The movie caused quite a stir among critics.
60. The error resulted in significant alteratns to the final report.

Common Phases

1. Ons het amper genoeg kos om te eet.
2. Ons moet hard werk om te oorleef.
3. Ons het geen geld vir die medikasie.
4. Die swak ekonomi raak ons almal.
5. Ons sukkel om die paaiemente te betaal.
6. Ons sal dit deur kry. We will get through this.
7. Ons moet saam werk.
8. Die nood is vir ons almal dieselfde.
9. Ons sal sterker daaruit kom.
10. Die regering het ons verwaarloos.
11. Ons het gebede vir beter dae.
12. Die toekoms lyk donker, maar ons gee nie op nie.
13. Ons help mekaar soos familie.
14. Ons almal lang na water.
15. Ons kry nie genoeg kos nie.
16. Daar is nie werk vir ons nie.
17. Ons hoop op ‘n wonder.
18. Die kinders ly, maar ons kan niks doen nie.
19. Ons het geen keuse nie.
20. Ons moet aanpas.
21. Die toekoms is onseker, maar ons bly hoopvol.
22. Ons bly optrekkery.
We remain optimistic.
23. Ons sal nooit opgee nie.
24. Die regering het ons in die steek gelaat.
25. Ons het gebede maar geen antwoorde gekry nie.
26. Ons trek saam deur die donker tye.
27. Ons kry genade elke dag.
28. Die wêreld het ons vergeet.
29. Ons bly saam.
30. Ons lewe met wat ons het.
31. Ons praat van beter dae.
32. Ons hou mekaar troos.
33. Ons smeek vir ‘n wonder.
34. Maar sonder hoop kan ons nie lewe nie.
35. Ons is steeds een volk.
36. Ons kry sterker deur die uitdaginge.
37. Ons vind kreatiewe maniere om te oorleef.
38. Ons het mekaar.
39. Ons dra elke dag as een.
40. Maar ons het hoop in ons hart.
41. Ons bly dink positief.
42. Ons sing steeds liedjies.
43. Ons leef steeds.
44. Ons sal voortgaan.
45. Ons hou steeds liefde in ons hart.
46. Ons glo in more beter dae.
47. Ons moet aanhou hoop.
48. Ons bou steeds vir die toekoms.
49. Want ons is steeds saam.
50. Ons is nie alleen nie.
51. Ons moet volhou.
52. Ons moet aanhou dink positief.
53. Ons kan nie opgee nie.
54. Ons het mekaar nog.
55. Ons het steeds positiewe dinge.
56. Ons het steeds familie.
57. Ons het steeds hoop.
58. Ons het steeds ons gesondheid.
59. Ons sal kry wat ons nodig het.
60. Ons sal deur kry hierdie moeilike tyd.

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