Opaqued example sentences

Related (3): opaque, opacity, opaqueness

"Opaqued" Example Sentences

1. The window was fully opaqued by the thick layer of frost.
2. She opaqued the glass with a layer of white paint for privacy reasons.
3. The room was opaqued by the heavy velvet curtains, making it impossible to see inside.
4. The fog had opaqued the city skyline, disguising all the tall buildings.
5. He opaqued his emotions, never letting anyone see how he truly felt.
6. The water had opaqued with sediment, making it murky and difficult to see through.
7. She opaqued her thoughts and kept them to herself, not wanting to share with anyone else.
8. The smoke from the fire had opaqued the air, making it difficult to breathe.
9. The dark sunglasses opaqued his eyes, making it impossible to tell where he was looking.
10. The storm clouds opaqued the sun, casting a shadow over the whole town.
11. The dust from the construction site had opaqued the air, making it difficult to see or breathe.
12. She opaqued her intentions, never revealing what she was truly planning.
13. The thick coat of paint had opaqued the walls, covering up any imperfections.
14. The fog had opaqued the whole forest, making it impossible to see anything within it.
15. The moon had opaqued behind the clouds, making it difficult to see the stars.
16. The spider had opaqued the web with dew, making it shimmer in the morning sunlight.
17. The pollution had opaqued the river, turning the once clear waters a murky brown.
18. The speaker had opaqued his language, using uncommon words that nobody could understand.
19. The mist had opaqued the valley, creating an eerie atmosphere.
20. The stains on the white shirt had opaqued the fabric, making it look dirty even after washing.
21. The dense forest had opaqued the path, making it difficult to navigate.
22. The paint opaqued the bright red color of the car, turning it into a muted burgundy.
23. The snow had opaqued the landscape, giving it a winter wonderland appearance.
24. The mud had opaqued the once shiny shoes, making them look dull and dirty.
25. The windshield had opaqued with frost, requiring the driver to scrape it off before driving.
26. The steam had opaqued the bathroom mirror, making it impossible to see one's reflection.
27. The heavy makeup opaqued her natural beauty, making her look fake.
28. The heavy curtains opaqued the light from coming in, keeping the room dark even during the day.
29. The thick layers of dust had opaqued the furniture, making it look old and neglected.
30. The rain had opaqued the once vibrant colors of the flowers, turning them into a dull gray.

Common Phases

1. The glass was opaqued by a layer of frost;
2. The curtains opaqued the light from entering the room;
3. The mist opaqued the view of the landscape;
4. The paint opaqued the previous color of the wall;
5. The sticker opaqued the transparency of the window;
6. The clouds opaqued the sunshine, leaving the sky gray and dim;
7. The pollution opaqued the clarity of the water in the lake;
8. The dust opaqued the surface of the mirror, making it hard to see;
9. The plaster opaqued the brick wall underneath it;
10. The thick fog opaqued the sailor's vision while navigating the ocean.

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