Oppos example sentences

Related (6): opposition, opposite, opposing, opposed, opponent, juxtaposition.

"Oppos" Example Sentences

1. Light and dark are opposites.
2. Hot and cold are two opposites on the temperature spectrum.
3. Wet and dry are simple everyday opposites.
4. Tall and short are opposites that easily come to mind.
5. Open and closed describe opposites states for most objects.
6. Full and empty are opposites that relate to containers and spaces.
7. Up and down are opposites directions on a vertical axis.
8. In and out describe opposite positions relative to something.
9. Fast and slow are opposites that describe the speed of motion.
10. Love and hate are emotional opposites at the extreme ends of feelings.
11. Happy and sad are polar opposites in terms of mood and disposition.
12. Positive and negative are opposites when describing polarity, charge and outlook.
13. Tiny and enormous are extreme opposites on the scale of size.
14. Loud and quiet are auditory opposites describing volume and intensity.
15. Near and far are opposites describing distance and proximity.
16. Soft and hard are tactile opposites describing how something feels.
17. Old and new are temporal opposites describing age or time period.
18. Win and lose are opposites that describe victory and defeat.
19. Rise and fall are opposites that relate to vertical movement.
20. Begin and end are sequential opposites that mark stages.
21. Stir and still are opposites that describe movement and the lack thereof.
22. Forward and backward are opposites directions on a linear path.
23. Front and back are positional opposites from different perspectives.
24. Increase and decrease are opposites when describing changes in quantity.
25. Male and female are biological opposites relating to sex and gender.
26. Come and go are opposites that describe arriving at and leaving a location.
27. Active and passive are opposites that relate to taking action or not.
28. Add and subtract are opposites arithmetical operations.
29. Attack and defend are opposites strategies in conflict.
30. Deafen and soothe are opposites when describing how sound affects one.
31. Within and beyond are opposites relationships to a boundary or limit.
32. Horizontal and vertical are opposites directions lying at right angles.
33. Grow and shrink are opposites describing changes in size.
34. Superior and inferior are opposites describing rank and value.
35. Horizontal and diagonal are opposites describing lines.
36. Appear and disappear are opposites describing becoming visible and invisible.
37. Freezing and boiling are opposites that describe states of matter.
38. Interior and exterior are spatial opposites describing position relative to an enclosure.
39. Flow and ebb are opposites describing the motion of fluids.
40. Similarity and difference are opposites relating to qualities or features.
41. Extend and contract are opposites describing changes in length.
42. Inclusion and exclusion are opposites regarding status as a member.
43. Linear and curved are opposites geometric forms.
44. Invoke and revoke are opposite actions regarding enabling or cancelling.
45. Diverge and converge are opposites verbs describing lines spreading apart or coming together.
46. Obey and disobey are opposites regarding following instructions or commands.
47. Expand and shrink are opposites describing changes in size or extent.
48. Compression and decompression are opposites processes regarding application of force.
49. Accumulate and deplete are opposites regarding build up or use of something.
50. Contain and overflow are opposites describing limits and capacity.
51. Fission and fusion are opposites processes regarding atomic nuclei.
52. Few and many are opposites describing quantity on either end of a spectrum.
53. Absorb and reflect are opposites regarding the interaction of light and matter.
54. Rise and sink are opposites describing vertical motion.
55. Assemble and disassemble are opposites regarding combination and separation of parts.
56. Good and evil are moral opposites at either end of a spectrum of virtue.
57. Bitter and sweet are opposites tastes on the gustatory spectrum.
58. Accept and reject are opposites actions regarding something offered or proposed.
59. Objective and subjective are opposites perspectives when considering facts and opinions.
60. Centrifugal and centripetal are opposites directions of force acting on an object in circular motion.

Common Phases

1. The players were on oppos sides of the field.
2. The oppos attract argument ensued between friends.
3. My parents seem oppos in most everything they do.
4. The oppos teams faced off in the big game.
5. The magnets repel each other because they are oppos poles.
6. The child sat facing his mother, legs oppos each other.
7. The couple was complete oppos yet they fell in love.
8. The cat and dog stayed on oppos sides of the room.
9. She stood at the oppos end of the room, arms crossed.
10. The teammates came from oppos sides of the tracks.
11. Red and green are color oppos.
12. The two sides represented oppos beliefs.
13. The political oppos clashed at the debate.
14. The twins were stark oppos despite sharing DNA.
15. North and south are oppos on a compass.
16. Teams who dislike each other are often said to be arch oppos.
17. The boy and girl were oppos in almost every way.
18. The couple are oppos in terms of how they spend money.
19. The wrestlers came from oppos sides of the ring.
20. The parties selected oppos candidates for the election.
21. The children sit at oppos ends of the table during meals.
22. The oppos political parties held rallies on the same day.
23. The debaters represented oppos sides of the argument.
24. Old and new can often be viewed as oppos.
25. The mens' and womens' sides are the oppos wings of the church.
26. The candidate stood for everything the oppos did not.
27. The two brothers seem complete oppos today.
28. The lights on the oppos sides of the street were red and green.
29. Light and dark are common oppos used in similes.
30. Her personality was the complete oppos of him.
31. The camera showed oppos angles of the scene.
32. The attorneys represented oppos clients in the lawsuit.
33. She stood at one end while her oppos stood across from her.
34. The oppos teams came onto the field from oppos ends.
35. The box contained oppos views about the same issue.
36. They were such oppos that the marriage never stood a chance.
37. Positive and negative are examples of oppos charges.
38. The univers needs oppos to exist - light and dark, up and down.
39. The oppos lawyers argued heatedly in court.
40. The club divided into two oppos factions.
41. The crowd sat in two oppos sections behind each team's goal.
42. The book presented both sides of the oppos argument.
43. Before and after are viewed as oppos points in time.
44. The boy and girl grew up in oppos sides of town.
45. Oppos attractions exist between certain particles or forces.
46. The oppos candidates represented oppos political views.
47. Customers chose from two oppos flavors of ice cream.
48. The judge listened to the cases presented by oppos lawyers.
49. The oppos ends of a magnet attract oppos poles of another.
50. The two views presented oppos sides of the same issue.
51. The crowd sat in oppos supporters' sections of the stadium.
52. The friends discussed their oppos musical tastes and preferences.
53. She stood at one door as her oppos stood at the other.
54. The oppos teams took to the field from oppos sides.
55. The article detailed the arguable oppos views on the issue.
56. The book compared the oppos views of two sociologists.
57. That cake has oppos coloured layers.
58. The two candidates represent oppos political parties.
59. She stood on one side while her oppos stood on the other.
60. The publ allowed the oppos to have a chance to speak.

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