Opuscules example sentences

"Opuscules" Example Sentences

1. The library was filled with rare opuscules that dated back to the Renaissance.
2. The philosopher's opuscules were highly acclaimed by his peers.
3. She devoted her life to meticulously cataloging all the opuscules within the library.
4. Collecting opuscules became his greatest passion in life.
5. The opuscules contained within the library's archives were priceless.
6. His latest opuscule had been rejected by every publisher he submitted it to.
7. The opuscules were stored in a locked vault to preserve their condition.
8. After hours of research, she discovered a previously unknown opuscule written by a controversial historical figure.
9. The book was filled with opuscules on art, literature, and philosophy.
10. He spent countless hours pouring over the library's collection of opuscules.
11. The opuscules were so fragile that they could only be handled with tweezers.
12. The opuscule was so small that it could fit in the palm of her hand.
13. Despite being a minor author, his opuscules had a significant impact on the literary world.
14. The opuscule served as a cornerstone of her thesis on medieval history.
15. She focused her research on opuscules that examined the role of women in society.
16. The opuscules were written in a variety of languages, from Latin to Old Norse.
17. The scholar dedicated years of her life to translating ancient opuscules.
18. The opuscule was a brief, but profound meditation on the nature of love.
19. The library's collection of opuscules was said to be one of the most comprehensive in the world.
20. She was fascinated by the opuscules that detailed folk remedies and magic spells.
21. The opuscule was a scathing critique of the monarchy's policies.
22. The scholarly debate over the meaning of one particular opuscule lasted for decades.
23. The opuscule's message of hope and resilience resonated with readers during a time of great turmoil.
24. He traveled the world in search of opuscules that had been lost to time.
25. The opuscules provided a glimpse into the lives and perspectives of people throughout history.
26. The opuscule was a lyrical ode to the beauty of the natural world.
27. The author was known for writing opuscules that challenged conventional wisdom and dogma.
28. The opuscules were transferred to a digital format to ensure their preservation.
29. The opuscule on alchemy was rumored to contain the secrets of turning lead into gold.
30. She was overjoyed to discover that the opuscule she had been searching for was finally available in English translation.

Common Phases

1. The opuscules in this library are a fascinating collection; they range from ancient manuscripts to modern literary works.
2. The scholar spent years studying the opuscules of a little-known philosopher; he became an expert on the philosopher's ideas.
3. The author published several opuscules during his lifetime; they were highly praised for their sharp wit and insightful commentary.
4. The opuscules contained in this anthology cover a wide range of genres; from poetry to essays to short stories.
5. The publisher was hesitant to release the author's opuscule; they were worried about its controversial subject matter.
6. The library's opuscule collection includes rare and valuable texts; they are carefully preserved and protected.
7. The opuscules written by this author are considered some of the finest examples of the genre; his influence can be seen in works by many contemporary writers.

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