Orbiters example sentences

Related (3): Satellites, moons, comets

"Orbiters" Example Sentences

1. The Mars Rover is being monitored by a team of orbiters.
2. NASA sent multiple orbiters to study Jupiter's atmosphere.
3. The orbiters around Venus have captured some incredible images.
4. The moon has several natural orbiters, such as asteroids and comets.
5. The International Space Station has many orbiters docked at any given time.
6. The purpose of the orbiters around Saturn is to analyze its rings and magnetic field.
7. The orbiters around Mercury have provided valuable data about the planet's geology.
8. The spacecraft launched several orbiters that are now studying Pluto and its moons.
9. The Hubble Space Telescope is considered one of the most advanced orbiters.
10. The orbiters around Uranus are helping scientists understand the planet's mysterious rotational axis.
11. The orbiters around Mars have confirmed the presence of water on the planet.
12. The Galileo spacecraft launched in 1989 had multiple orbiters that studied Jupiter and its moons.
13. The Indian Space Research Organization sent its first Mars orbiter in 2013.
14. The orbiters around the Earth are crucial for communication and navigation systems.
15. The dwarf planet Ceres has a few natural orbiters, including its own small moons.
16. The orbiters around Neptune have helped scientists learn more about the planet's unique climate.
17. The Cassini spacecraft was equipped with several orbiters that studied Saturn and its moons.
18. The Chang'e-1 orbiter was China's first lunar probe launched in 2007.
19. The orbiters around Io, one of Jupiter's moons, have discovered several active volcanoes.
20. The Dawn spacecraft sent to study Vesta and Ceres had multiple orbiters.
21. The orbiters around the Sun are used to study solar activity and the solar wind.
22. The GRAIL mission sent twin orbiters to study the gravity of the Moon.
23. The Mars Odyssey orbiter has been operational since 2001.
24. The orbiters around Europa, another one of Jupiter's moons, have found evidence of a subsurface ocean.
25. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been studying the Moon since 2009.
26. The STEREO mission sent two solar orbiters to study the Sun's atmosphere and eruptions.
27. The orbiters around Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons, have discovered geysers of water vapor.
28. The Lunar Prospector orbiter discovered evidence of water ice at the Moon's poles.
29. The Ulysses spacecraft was the first to explore the polar regions of the Sun and its orbiters provided valuable data.
30. The European Space Agency's Mars Express mission has an orbiter that has been observing Mars since 2003.

Common Phases

1. The orbiter is in position; initiate docking sequence.
2. Orbiters have detected a potential threat; increase security measures.
3. The communication link with the orbiter has been established; begin transmitting data.
4. The orbiter has entered into the gravitational pull; engage stabilization thrusters.
5. Visual confirmation of the orbiter has been established; commence mission operations.

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