Ostiolefrom example sentences

Related (4): fungi, ascomycete, pore, opening

"Ostiolefrom" Example Sentences

1. The small fruit trapped inside the ostiolefrom was perfectly visible under the microscope.
2. The fungus produced an ostiolefrom which allowed the spores to be released into the environment.
3. The fig tree's ostiolefrom was large enough to allow the wasps to enter and pollinate the fruit.
4. The tiny opening in the fruit's ostiolefrom made it difficult for insects to enter.
5. The ostiolefrom of the acorn was crucial for the dispersal of the seed.
6. The ostiolefrom of the mushroom was used for identification purposes by the researcher.
7. The ostiolefrom of the olive fruit was where the pit was located.
8. The ostiolefrom of the apple was too small for the naked eye to see.
9. The ostiolefrom of the walnut protected the nut from the environment until it was ready to germinate.
10. The ostiolefrom of the grape was where the stem had been attached to the fruit.
11. The ostiolefrom of the tomato allowed air to circulate around the seeds.
12. The ostiolefrom of the hazelnut was covered by a protective layer of shell.
13. The ostiolefrom of the pepper was where the seeds were stored.
14. The ostiolefrom of the chestnut allowed easy access for mammals to consume the nut.
15. The ostiolefrom of the pomegranate had a star-like shape.
16. The ostiolefrom of the blackberry was where the flower had once been attached to the fruit.
17. The ostiolefrom of the strawberry was where the stem attached to the berry.
18. The ostiolefrom of the cherry was hidden beneath the stem.
19. The ostiolefrom of the peach contained the seed.
20. The ostiolefrom of the apricot was where the stem attached to the fruit.
21. The ostiolefrom of the pear was located at the bottom of the fruit.
22. The ostiolefrom of the quince was hidden beneath the fuzz on the fruit.
23. The ostiolefrom of the raspberry was where the stem attached to the fruit.
24. The ostiolefrom of the date palm fruit was located at the tip.
25. The ostiolefrom of the lemon was too small to see with the naked eye.
26. The ostiolefrom of the lime was located at the blossom end of the fruit.
27. The ostiolefrom of the kiwi was located at the top of the fruit.
28. The ostiolefrom of the orange was located at the base of the fruit.
29. The ostiolefrom of the grapefruit was located at the opposite end of the stem.
30. The ostiolefrom of the tangerine was located at the blossom end of the fruit.

Common Phases

1. The ostiole from the fig was just visible under the skin;
2. Using a scalpel, I carefully removed the ostiole from the fruit;
3. The tiny wasp crawled out of the ostiole from the fig and flew away;
4. I marvelled at the intricate design of the ostiole from the fig;
5. As I bit into the fig, juice oozed out of the ostiole and dripped down my chin.

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