Otherwiseyou example sentences

Related (2): otherwise, you

"Otherwiseyou" Example Sentences

1. I would love to go with you to the party, but otherwise, you'll have a great time even without me.
2. You need to save as much money as possible, otherwise, you'll never be able to afford a house.
3. Take a jacket with you, otherwise, you might get cold at the beach.
4. Please don't forget to lock the door, otherwise, you're putting yourself at risk.
5. If you don't exercise regularly, otherwise, you'll start to gain weight quickly.
6. You need to start eating healthier, otherwise, you'll continue to feel tired all the time.
7. Don't forget to plug in your phone, otherwise, you won't have any battery left.
8. If you don't study hard for your exams, otherwise, you'll fail.
9. You need to start saving for retirement, otherwise, you won't have any money when you're older.
10. Make sure to wear sunscreen, otherwise, you'll get a sunburn.
11. Don't text and drive, otherwise, you might get into an accident.
12. If you don't stay hydrated, otherwise, you'll start to feel dizzy and lethargic.
13. You need to be kind to others, otherwise, you'll lose friends quickly.
14. Don't procrastinate, otherwise, you'll end up rushing and making mistakes.
15. If you don't budget your money, otherwise, you'll run out by the end of the month.
16. Please don't drink and drive, otherwise, you're putting yourself and others in danger.
17. If you don't get enough sleep, otherwise, you'll feel tired and irritable all day.
18. Always wash your hands, otherwise, you might get sick.
19. You need to follow the rules, otherwise, you'll face consequences.
20. Don't give up on your dreams, otherwise, you'll always regret it.
21. If you don't listen carefully, otherwise, you'll miss important information.
22. You need to take care of your mental health, otherwise, you'll suffer from anxiety and depression.
23. Don't jump to conclusions, otherwise, you might offend someone.
24. If you don't eat breakfast, otherwise, you'll feel hungry and sluggish all morning.
25. Don't lie, otherwise, you'll lose trust and respect from others.
26. You need to keep your promises, otherwise, you'll disappoint people.
27. Don't be rude, otherwise, you'll push people away.
28. If you don't practice, otherwise, you won't improve.
29. You need to be patient, otherwise, you'll get frustrated easily.
30. Don't be negative, otherwise, you'll bring others down.

Common Phases

1. I wouldn't be able to finish all my work on time, otherwise you would have to extend the deadline.
2. I wouldn't have been able to afford the vacation, otherwise you would have to lend me some money.
3. I wouldn't have made it to the meeting, otherwise you would have had to take notes for me.
4. I wouldn't have installed the security system, otherwise you would have had to worry about burglars.
5. I wouldn't have baked the cake, otherwise you would have had to buy one from the bakery.

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