Ouch example sentences

Related (11): pain, ow, yikes, argh, ouchie, ouchy, eek, yeowch, ack, oucheroo, oof

"Ouch" Example Sentences

1. Ouch! That hurt.
2. Ouch, I stubbed my toe.
3. Ouch, I burned myself on the stove.
4. Man, that truth hurts. Ouch.
5. Ouch! I got a paper cut.
6. Ouch, my head is pounding.
7. Ouch, my back is killing me.
8. That burn was brutal. Ouch!
9. Ouch! I think I sprained my ankle.
10. Ouch, I fell and scraped my knee.
11. Ouch, that slap really stung.
12. That insult hit close to home. Ouch!
13. Ouch, I pinched my finger in the drawer.
14. Ouch! That's a nasty bruise.
15. Ouch! That was embarrassing.
16. Ouch, that was a harsh criticism.
17. Yikes, that's gotta hurt. Ouch!
18. Ouch, my fingers are on fire after chopping all those chilies!
19. Ouch, my jaw hurts from clenching my teeth.
20. Ouch, I've got a splitting headache.
21. Ouch, I slammed my hand in the car door.
22. Ouch, I think I twisted my ankle.
23. Ouch! I slammed my finger in the drawer!
24. Man, that smarts! Ouch!
25. Ouch, I keep banging my shins on that coffee table.
26. Ouch, that was a low blow.
27. Ouch, I've got a thorn in my foot!
28. Ouch! I got stung by a bee.
29. Ouch, my hand is starting to blister from holding the oven mitt so long.
30. Ouch, my side is aching from laughing so hard.
31. Ouch, I think my wisdom tooth is coming in.
32. That revelation stings. Ouch!
33. Ouch! That scratch from the cat really hurts.
34. Ouch, my neck is killing me from sleeping at that weird angle.
35. Ouch, that tickles!
36. Ouch! My back went out again.
37. Ouch, that burn from the grill really smarts!
38. Yikes, that must have hurt! Ouch!
39. Ouch, I got a muscle cramp in my calf!
40.Ouch, I slammed my fingers in the car door while grabbing the groceries.
41.Ouch! My legs are killing me after that long run.
42.Ouch, those chips were too hot! They burnt the roof of my mouth.
43. Ouch, that slam dunk rattled the hoop!
44.Ouch, I stubbed my toe again on that same stupid table leg!
45.Ouch, brain freeze!
46.Ouch! I just walked into that door frame!
47. Ouch! That tackle really took the wind out of me.
48.Ouch, my contacts are giving me eye strain today.
49.Ouch, my hand slipped and I cut myself with the knife while chopping these vegetables.
50.Ouch, I have heartburn after eating that spicy meal.
51.That comeback really stung. Ouch!
52.Ouch, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder while lifting those boxes.
53.Ouch, I think a bee stung me - my arm is starting to swell up!
54.Ouch! That punch really hurt.
55.Ouch, my lower back is killing me.
56.Ouch, I got a rock stuck in my shoe and it's digging into my heel.
57.That burn was cold, calculated, and brutal. Double ouch!
58.Ouch, I've got a Charlie horse in my calf!
59.Ouch, my jaw is sore from yawning so much.
60.Ouch! Stepped on a Lego!

Common Phases

1. Ouch, that hurt!
2. Ouch, my foot hurts after I dropped that hammer on it.
3. Ouch, I burned my finger on the stove!
4. Ouch, running into that doorframe really hurt.
5. Ouch, that paper cut stings!
6. Ouch, my back is killing me after sleeping on that couch.
7. Ouch, I stubbed my toe on that chair leg.
8. Ouch, my head hurts after hitting it on that cabinet.
9. Ouch, that pinch really hurt!
10. Ouch, be careful with that scissors, you almost poked my eye out!
11. Ouch, my eyes! The sun is so bright today.
12. Ouch, that rash is itchy and painful.
13. I feel like garbage after being up all night studying. Ouch!
14. Ouch, my muscles are sore after yesterday's workout.
15. Ouch, my throat is so sore from being sick.
16. Ouch, that sunburn is painful!
17. Ouch, that joke was so terrible it hurts.
18. Ouch, my wallet hurts after buying that expensive gift.
19. Ouch, my ego hurts after that harsh critique.
20. Ouch, eating that spicy food was a mistake.
21. Ouch, that zinger really stung!
22. Ouch, that harsh comment really hit home.
23. Ouch, my head hurts after hearing that terrible news.
24. Ouch, my heart hurts after their break up.
25. Ouch, working all weekend was brutal.
26. Ouch, that exercise routine kicked my butt!
27. Ouch, this hangover is killing me.
28. Ouch, I think I pulled a muscle.
29. Ouch, saying that out loud really made me cringe.
30. Ouch, waking up this early is painful.
31. Ouch, hearing about that injury made me wince in sympathy.
32. Ouch, listening to that tone of voice gave me chills.
33. Ouch, working overtime put a damper on my plans.
34. Ouch, that phone bill hurts my bank account.
35. Ouch, that customer's complaint stung.
36. Ouch, springing out of bed hurt my back this morning.
37. Ouch, I think I got whiplash from that roller coaster ride!
38. Ouch, my eyes are sore from staring at this computer screen all day.
39. Ouch, that toxic work environment is taking its toll.
40. Ouch, this headache won't go away no matter how much medicine I take.
41. Ouch, I almost walked into that closing door!
42. Ouch, that slap really stung!
43. Ouch, this mattress is killing my back.
44. Ouch, my feet are killing me after walking around all day in these shoes.
45. Ouch, I cut myself shaving this morning.
46. Ouch, stepping on that Lego piece really hurt!
47. Ouch, slamming my finger in that drawer hurt!
48. Ouch, that bee sting stings!
49. Ouch, running into that corner hurt!
50. Ouch, hearing that bad news made my stomach hurt.
51. Ouch, pulling an all-nighter is taking its toll.
52. Ouch, dropping that pan on my foot hurt!
53. Ouch, imitating that voice made my throat hurt.
54. Ouch, that relationship ended painfully.
55. Ouch, hearing about their argument left a bad taste in my mouth.
56. Ouch, wearing these heels all day has left my feet throbbing.
57. Ouch, that joke fell flat and now my ego hurts.
58. Ouch, reading that sad story made my heart ache.
59. Ouch, that nickname is hurtful.
60. Ouch, waking up with a hangover is the worst.

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