Oustible example sentences
unstable (adjective) · unstabler (comparative adjective) · unstablest (superlative adjective)
- likely to give way; not stable:
- likely to change or fail; not firmly established:
- prone to mental health issues or sudden changes of mood:
unsteady, rocky, wobbly, wobbling, rickety, shaky, tottery, tottering, teetering, doddery, unsafe, unbalanced, unreliable, insecure, unfastened, unsecured, movable, precarious, stable, steady, changeable, volatile, variable, unsettled, fluctuating, inconstant, inconsistent, irregular, fitful, unpredictable, unreliable, fickle, capricious, mercurial, erratic, uncertain, wavering, peaky, stable, firm, unbalanced, deranged, demented, crazy, crazed, distracted, troubled, disturbed, unhinged, insane, mad, lunatic, psychotic, stable, balanced, Legal"Oustible" Example Sentences
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