Overemphasized example sentences
Related (4): exaggerated, overstated, hyperbolized, magnified
overemphasized (past tense) · overemphasized (past participle)
- place excessive emphasis on:
overstress, exaggerate, overplay, overdo, overdramatize, belabor, labor, understate, here, Legal"Overemphasized" Example Sentences
1. The teacher overemphasized the importance of memorization in learning.2. The coach overemphasized winning at all costs, to the detriment of sportsmanship.
3. The politician overemphasized his experience, despite lacking relevant qualifications.
4. The author overemphasized the role of fate in the story, neglecting the characters' agency.
5. The therapist overemphasized positive thinking, without acknowledging the validity of negative feelings.
6. The ad campaign overemphasized the benefits of the product, making unrealistic promises.
7. The historian overemphasized the significance of one event, at the expense of the broader context.
8. The parent overemphasized obedience, failing to foster critical thinking in their child.
9. The artist overemphasized symbolism, making the work confusing and inaccessible.
10. The scientist overemphasized statistics, ignoring the human element of their research.
11. The manager overemphasized productivity, causing burnout among their employees.
12. The diplomat overemphasized compromise, overlooking the importance of standing firm on certain issues.
13. The musician overemphasized virtuosity, sacrificing emotion and nuance in their performance.
14. The chef overemphasized presentation, neglecting taste and nutritional value.
15. The marketer overemphasized the target audience, alienating potential customers outside of that demographic.
16. The fashion designer overemphasized trendiness, resulting in clothing that quickly went out of style.
17. The engineer overemphasized efficiency, ignoring safety concerns.
18. The journalist overemphasized sensationalism, distorting the truth for the sake of clicks or views.
19. The student overemphasized memorization for a test, failing to truly comprehend the material.
20. The speaker overemphasized their own accomplishments, failing to acknowledge the contributions of others.
21. The designer overemphasized form over function, resulting in products that were impractical or dysfunctional.
22. The CEO overemphasized profit over ethics, leading to scandals and public backlash.
23. The athlete overemphasized physical training, neglecting mental and emotional well-being.
24. The preacher overemphasized hellfire and brimstone, failing to highlight the message of love and compassion in their religion.
25. The traveler overemphasized Instagram-worthy destinations, missing out on the authentic experiences of a place.
26. The teacher overemphasized standardized testing, neglecting other forms of assessment.
27. The mentor overemphasized their own expertise, failing to assist the mentee in developing their own skills.
28. The counselor overemphasized positivity, invalidating the client's negative emotions.
29. The philanthropist overemphasized their own generosity, using charitable acts to gain publicity or recognition.
30. The prosecutor overemphasized the guilt of the defendant, overlooking important evidence in their favor.
Common Phases
1. The importance of good grades in school is often overemphasized; success in life can come from many different paths.2. The impact of social media on mental health is frequently overemphasized; other factors such as genetics and environment also play a role.
3. The role of exercise in weight loss is sometimes overemphasized; a well-balanced diet is equally important.
4. The benefits of technology in the classroom are often overemphasized; face-to-face interactions and hands-on learning experiences are still crucial.
5. The power of positive thinking is frequently overemphasized; it is important to acknowledge and address negative emotions as well.