Overtake example sentences

Related (6): pass, outrun, outstrip, surpass, exceed, outdo

"Overtake" Example Sentences

1. The faster car soon overtook the slower one.
2. The cyclist overtook the pedestrian on the side of the road.
3. The runner overtook his competitors in the final stretch of the race.
4. The motorcycle quickly overtook the line of cars on the highway.
5. The truck overtook several vehicles at once.
6. The ambulance overtook every vehicle as it raced to the hospital.
7. The thieves overtook the victim from behind and robbed him.
8. Aggression seems to overtake him at times.
9. His desire for vengeance threatened to overtake his logic.
10. Sadness overtook her when she thought of her losses.
11. Panic overtook the passengers as the plane started to descend rapidly.
12. Fear overtook the students as the gunman entered the classroom.
13. Dark thoughts tended to overtake her mind when she was alone.
14. Anger overtook him as he saw what had happened.
15. Excitement overtook the children as they opened their presents.
16. Doubt began to overtake his once-strong confidence.
17. Technologies are rapidly overtaking traditional methods.
18. The storm overtook the coastal town with little warning.
19. The wildfires overtook several towns before firefighters could contain them.
20. The infection rapidly overtook his weakened immune system.
21. Tensions began to overtake negotiations between the two sides.
22. Drought conditions overtook the farmland, destroying crops.
23. As the disease overtook his body, he gradually lost control of his faculties.
24. Overwhelming desire threatened to overtake his willpower.
25. The situation quickly overtook the officers' ability to control it.
26. The rebels overtook the government garrison within hours.
27. The rebels gradually overtook more territory across the country.
28. His pessimism overtook any remaining optimism.
29. The huge corporation threatens to overtake all smaller competitors.
30. Enthusiasm overtook the audience as the singers took the stage.
31. His desire to win threatened to overtake good sportsmanship.
32. The team's recent losses seem to have overtaken their earlier success.
33. Habit tends to overtake commitment over time.
34. Innovation threatens to overtake tradition.
35. The mutation overtook all other strains within weeks.
36. The general's ego threatened to overtake his strategy.
37. Guilt overtook him as he remembered his past actions.
38. Traffic rushed to overtake the slower vehicles.
39. The quarterback overtook the defender with a series of jukes and spins.
40. The earthquake gradually overtook the entire region.
41. Weeds and brambles threatened to overtake the once well-tended garden.
42. New research is overtaking what was once conventional wisdom.
43. Populism threatens to overtake objectivity.
44. The stock market crash overtook individual investors within hours.
45. The dog overtook the stick as it rolled across the grass.
46. Depression threatened to overtake her mind.
47. Calls for change overtook those who wanted things to stay the same.
48. The virus overtook the city within weeks.
49. The river quickly overtook its banks during the powerful storm.
50. Sadness overtook her as she thought of what might have been.
51. The newcomer quickly overtook his competitors in the office.
52. The boat raced to overtake the fishing trawler ahead of it.
53. Pride threatened to overtake good judgment.
54. Despair overtook him as he realized he was lost.
55. The new technology threatens to overtake the old before it's ready.
56. Nature threatens to overtake the abandoned buildings over time.
57. Emotion threatened to overtake reason in the heated argument.
58. Progress threatens to overtake tradition.
59. Her lust for power threatened to overtake any sense of decency.
60. The fire swiftly overtook the wooden buildings.

Common Phases

1. The sports car overtook the truck on the highway.
2. The medicine helps the virus overtake the infection in your body.
3. The police quickly overtook the speeding car.
4. The aging company may soon be overtaken by younger competitors.
5. The economy of India seems poised to overtake that of China.
6. Inflation threatens to overtake wage increases this year.
7. New technology will likely overtake old methods within a few years.
8. The faster runner gradually overtook his opponent in the final stretch.
9. The boat sped up to overtake the sailboat ahead.
10. The storm clouds overtook us too quickly for us to find shelter.
11. Jane's illness quickly overtook the new medicine.
12. We were overtaken by the crowd of protesters as we walked down the street.
13. The troops overtook the enemy's position before dawn.
14. The new iPhone model quickly overtook sales of the previous year's version.
15. The caffeine overtook my tiredness and I stayed up all night studying.
16. The invasion force quickly overtook the capital city.
17. Happiness overtook me when I heard the good news.
18. The powerful motorcycle easily overtook the cars ahead.
19. Progress has overtaken our outdated safety regulations.
20. The protesters overtook and surrounded the presidential motorcade.
21. The horse quickly overtook the other racers around the final turn.
22. The pain threatened to overtake my rational thoughts.
23. Our car was overtaken by a police chase as we drove down the highway.
24. The sight of my family overtook me with emotion.
25. New inventions often overtake old technology faster than expected.
26. The cost of living threatens to overtake people's salaries this year.
27. Dread slowly overtook me as I thought about facing my boss.
28. Troops were sent to overtake the militant camp in the mountains.
29. The leader quickly lost popular support and was overtaken by a younger politician.
30. The firefighters overtook the burning building before the flames spread.
31. Our shopping cart was overtaken by a speeding kid at the supermarket.
32. Feelings of joy overtook me when I saw my children smiling.
33. Their iPhone was quickly overtaken by newer models.
34. My desire to stop overtook my desire to continue.
35. The fast-moving storm quickly overtook the coastal town.
36. The herd overtook the water hole, leaving nothing for the thirsty calves.
37. The vessel was overtaken by a large wave that threatened to capsize it.
38. Time seems to overtake me faster every year.
39. The scent of baking cookies overtook the entire house.
40. Insomnia threatened to overtake me unless I took proper steps to fix my sleep schedule.
41. Anger overtook me and I said things I later regretted.
42. The militia were quickly overtaken by government troops.
43. Scientists fear that climate change may soon overtake efforts to curb it.
44. The excitement overtook the audience as the performers took the stage.
45. The search party has still not overtaken the missing hikers.
46. Grief overtook me when I saw her empty chair at the table.
47. She constantly fears that her worries will overtake her life.
48. The fresh snow overtook the old footsteps in the trail.
49. New and improved products will always overtake older versions.
50. The stench of garbage overtook the entryway.
51. Panic threatens to overtake the population of the flooded city.
52. Rebellion overtook the inmates of the maximum security prison.
53. The taste of spring overtook the air when the flowers began to bloom.
54. My exhaustion was finally overtaken by a deep sleep.
55. The excitement of Christmas overtook even the youngest children first thing in the morning.
56. Fear threatened to overtake me as I faced the monster.
57. The park rangers overtook the illegal poachers in the forest.
58. New information may overtake outdated knowledge quickly in some fields.
59. Feelings of joy overtook me when I saw her face light up.
60. The anger threatened to overtake me, but I took a deep breath and reminded myself to stay calm.

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