Overtire example sentences
overtire (verb) · overtires (third person present) · overtired (past tense) · overtired (past participle) · overtiring (present participle) · over-tire (verb) · over-tires (third person present) · over-tired (past tense) · over-tired (past participle) · over-tiring (present participle)
- exhaust (someone):
overtax, fatigue, weary, tire, drain, enervate, sap, debilitate, prostrate, enfeeble, shatter, frazzle, knacker, poop, root, invigorate, refresh"Overtire" Example Sentences
I apologize, but "overtire" does not appear to be a commonly used English word. Some alternatives that you could use instead are:Exhaust:
1. The long trip exhausted him.
2. She was completely overtaxed from work.
3. They were overtaxed after working all weekend.
4. The physical demands of the job exhausted her.
5. The schedule overtaxed his energy levels.
6. The lengthy hike exhausted their supplies.
7. Her work ethic exhausted her staff.
8. The excessive workload taxed her mental resources.
9. The young boy was exhausted from playing all day.
10. His high stress job exhausted him.
Tire out:
11. The hike tired her out completely.
12. The hot day tired the children out quickly.
13. The workout routine tired him out.
14. Crying tired the baby out.
15. The never ending to-do list tired her out.
16. Looking after his siblings tired the boy out.
17. The long workday tired her out.
18. Struggling with the difficult problem tired him out.
19. Arguing with her parents tired her out.
20. Helping her elderly neighbor tired the woman out.
I hope these alternatives are helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Common Phases
1. The heavy workload risks over-tiring the staff.
2. There have been numerous calls from doctors to avoid over-tiring children with too much homework.
3. I over-tired myself hiking all day and ended up going to bed early.
4. The boss warned us not to over-tire ourselves by working late every night.
5. Parents are advised not to over-tire infants with too much stimulation.
6. She had to cut back her studying to avoid over-tiring herself.
7. Her high-energy dog tended to over-tire her on their long walks.
8. I can't drive after work because I tend to over-tire myself at the office.
9. Make sure not to over-tire yourself exercising in the heat.
10. The coach warned the players not to over-tire themselves before the big match.
11. The new job over-tired me to the point of exhaustion in the first few weeks.
12. I over-tired myself gardening all weekend and slept well into Monday.
13. Working double shifts week after week can easily over-tire even the hardiest of workers.
14.Constant late nights over-tired the students near exams.
15. Scheduling downtime will help you avoid over-tiring yourself on the job.
16. She was warned not to over-tire herself during pregnancy.
17. The party went on too late and over-tired the children for school the next day.
18. Doctors recommend scaling back exercise if you find yourself over-tiring easily.
19. Over-tiring yourself with stress becomes counterproductive.
20. The nonstop action movie over-tired even the most dedicated of fans.
21. Traveling too soon after childbirth can easily over-tire new mothers.
22. Vacationing every month risks over-tiring even the hardiest of travelers.
23. Constantly picking up extra shifts can eventually over-tire even the most dedicated of employees.
24. Indulging in too many late night social activities risks over-tiring yourself.
25. Short naps can help you avoid over-tiring yourself during the day.
26.The grinding poverty over-tired even the hardiest of farmers.
27. The heavy workload almost over-tired him to the point of tears.
28. Avoiding triple shots of espresso can help prevent over-tiring yourself.
29. The group hike over-tired the eldest member of the family.
30.Overextending yourself too early in the new job risks over-tiring yourself.
31.The sudden change to night shifts quickly began to over-tire the new nurse.
32. Studying late into the night can easily over-tire even the most dedicated of students.
33.The incessant crying of her newborn over-tired the new mother.
34. The dire poverty eventually over-tired even the most resilient of workers.
35.Constant interruptions at work risk over-tiring employees.
36. The tourists were warned not to over-tire themselves by rushing through too many attractions per day.
37.Juggling a full-time job and toddler quickly began to over-tire the new mother.
38.Constant late night partying eventually began to over-tire even the biggest of party animals.
39.The difficult hike over-tired even the most seasoned of travelers.
40.Studying all night repeatedly risks over-tiring students near exams.
41.The constant deadlines began to over-tire even the most dedicated of employees.
42.Avoiding energy drinks can help prevent over-tiring yourself during the day.
43.Constantly going out on weekends can eventually over-tire even the biggest of party animals.
44.The demanding job quickly began to over-tire even the hardiest of workers.
45.Introducing structured nap time can help infants avoid over-tiring themselves during the day.
46.Overscheduling yourself risks over-tiring even the most energetic of people.
47. Working double shifts frequently risks over-tiring even the hardiest of workers.
48. Taking too many university classes at once risks over-tiring even the most dedicated of students.
49.The endlesserruptions at work quickly began to over-tire even the most patient of employees.
50.The new mother was warned not to over-tire herself by trying to do too much too soon.
51.The extreme workout regimen almost over-tired him to the point of injury.
52.The hot summer weather quickly began to over-tire even the hardiest of labourers.
53.Playing with the puppy all day over-tired even the most energetic of children.
54.The new pace of city life quickly began to over-tire even the hardiest of country folk.
55. Juggling two jobs risks over-tiring even the hardiest of workers.
56.The punishing schedule soon began over-tiring even the most dedicated of athletes.
57.The in-laws' constant demands quickly began to over-tire even the most patient of daughters-in-law.
58.The new promotion excited him at first but soon began to over-tire even his biggest ambitions.
59.The intense workout regimen quickly started to over-tire even bodybuilders.
60. The perpetual state of war eventually over-tired even the hardiest of soldiers.
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