Panderers example sentences

Related (4): Sycophants, flatterers, bootlickers, toadies.



"Panderers" Example Sentences

1. The politicians are nothing more than panderers who will say anything to get votes.
2. The media has become nothing more than clickbait panderers instead of journalists.
3. In search of higher ratings and greater profits, the news media were increasingly inclined to become panderers to what was popular rather than purveyors of what was important.
4. Demagogues and political panderers routinely make promises they have neither the capacity nor the intention to keep.
5. Those political panderers who promise the world but deliver little should not be trusted.
6. Panderers seek quick fixes rather than making the hard decisions needed for true progress.
7. Best to avoid political panderers, looking only for votes and power, not the good of the people.
8. Only hollow promises come from political panderers who are interested solely in winning the next election.
9. Political panderers are dangerous because they fuel anger for selfish motives rather than solving real problems.
10. Ideologues and panderers divide us instead of seeking common ground for the good of all.
11. The shameless political panderers who make false promises and spread division do nothing to help our country advance.
12. He criticized them as panderers who misled the public with easy half-truths rather than the whole truth.
13. Their only goal was to gain fans and sell products, pandering to society's basest instincts for profit.
14. The panderers selling consumerism as the path to happiness were only interested in people's money, not their wellbeing.
15. Ideological and partisan panderers seek to divide us rather than unite us around shared solutions for complex problems.
16. Avoiding complex reality, ideologues and panderers promise simple solutions that never live up to their claims.
17. Self-interested panderers offer unrealistic solutions that eclipse hard, nuanced work needed for real progress.
18. We must see past the slick marketing of panderers who claim to have easy answers for complicated problems.
19. Demagogues and panderers spread fear and anger for political gain instead of promoting unity and understanding.
20. The hard work of forging compromises and seeking nuanced solutions is avoided by ideologues and political panderers.
21. Political panderers pursue short-term gain by sowing division instead of promoting long-term solutions that unite.
22. Public figures should educate and unite people rather than pander to their fears and darkest instincts.
23. Witting or unwitting panderers only give people what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear.
24. Best to ignore panderers who offer instant gratification over the difficult work needed for lasting progress.
25. Avoid those who would pander to your fears and prejudices for their own gain rather than seek true understanding.
26. No good comes from media panderers who exploit people's emotions for profit rather than informing minds.
27. Reject political panderers who seek to divide us and blame others rather than forge real solutions that unite.
28. Ignore demagogues and panderers who promise change without sacrifice while stoking anger and fear for their own ends.
29. Reject media figures and politicians who pander to base instincts rather than promoting reason, compassion and truth.
30. Inform yourself and think critically to see past the slick marketing of political panderers peddling false narratives.
31. Those seeking power by pandering to the prejudices of the ignorant serve only themselves, not the common good.
32. Panderers and peddlers of lies should never be elevated over those who speak truth to power for the sake of all people.
33. Promises made by those who pander to popular prejudices rather than face hard facts should always be viewed with skepticism.
34. Avoid marketing panderers who exploit social issues solely for profit rather than making real efforts at positive change.
35. Reject media panderers looking for clicks and views by exploiting tragedy and scandal rather than informing minds.
36. Ignore demagogues and ideologues seeking power by playing on fears and prejudices, pandering to base instincts.
37. There are always simple answers available to panderers looking for popularity rather than nuanced solutions to complex problems.
38. Journalistic panderers who give equal time to truth and lies only confuse rather than inform the public.
39. Reject false prophets who promise easy fixes for difficult problems, mere panderers looking to manipulate for profit.
40. Avoid political panderers who claim to speak for the people while seeking only power, fame and fortune for themselves.
41. Ignore pandering purveyors of cheap emotion and controversy who trade on outrage rather than seeking true understanding.
42. Truth tellers make adversaries of panderers who profit from illusion, fiction, and trafficking in prejudice.
43. Consumers of cheap panderers' emotional pornography - outrage/scandal profiteers- eventually become intellectually impotent.
44. Our salvation lies in avoiding emotional and intellectual panderers, looking always for truth no matter how harsh or inconvenient.
45. Reject political panderers - those who grow fat on outrage while refusing to do the hard work of governance and statesmanship.
46. Public figures must work to unite us, not pander to what divides us for personal gain at the expense of the common good.
47. Ignore demagogic panderers who point fingers at "the other" rather than do the hard work of forging real solutions for all people.
48. Reject media panderers who spread outrage and division for profit rather than seeking common ground and mutual understanding.
49. Sound judgement comes from avoiding emotional and intellectual panderers who manipulate for selfish ends rather than serve truth.
50. Political panderers exploit divisions for power and profit while leaders strive to unite around common values and solutions.
51. No good comes from those who pander to anger and fear rather than promoting dialogue, empathy and understanding.
52. Reject marketing panderers peddling controversy for profit rather than advocating for positive progress for all people.
53. Wise citizens see past the rhetoric of panderers seeking only power over complex problems requiring nuanced solutions.
54. Leadership demands promoting mutual understanding rather than pandering to division for popular appeal or political gain.
55. Our salvation lies in rejecting panderers and ideologues who fuel anger and resentment rather than seek real solutions.
56. Nothing positive emerges from media or political panderers who create division, outrage and resentment for self-interest.
57. Those who pander to our prejudices rather than challenge them do nothing to advance justice, wisdom or the common good.
58. Reject pandering purveyors of "fake news" and outrage who seek to manipulate public opinion rather than inform minds.
59. Lies propagate when truth tellers are crowded out by panderers and manipulators more concerned with power than virtue.
60. Illusions blind us to reality when panderers and profiteers crowd out truth seekers dedicated to the common good.

Common Phases

1. Pander to/panderers to - To gratify or indulge (an immoral, petty, or destructive desire or habit or a person with such a desire or habit) excessively.
2. The crackpot panderers - Refers to people or groups that panders to irrational or unreasonable ideas to win support.
3. The race panderers - Refers to political figures who exploit racial issues or tensions to gain support.
4. Manipulative panderers - Refers to people who pander to others in an insincere or self-serving way.
5. Trivial panderers - Refers to people or media who pander to trivial matters to attract attention.
6. Outrage panderers - Refers to people who pander to or exploit public outrage for political gain or profit.
7. Appeal to the lowest common denominator panderers - Refers to those who pander to the most basic instincts and prejudices instead of reasoned thought.
8. Base instinct panderers - Refers to those who pander to people's worst instincts for personal gain.
9. Fearmongering panderers - Refers to those who use scare tactics and foster fear to pander to others.
10. Shameless panderers - Refers to those who pander in an unashamed or excessive way.
11. Lip service panderers - Refers to those who make empty gestures or pay only superficial attention to issues.
12. Caterwauling panderers - Refers to those who pander in an annoying, whining, or complaining way.
13. Demagogic panderers - Refers to political figures who pander to populist prejudices and popular passions rather than reason.
14. Clickbait panderers - Refers to media outlets or individuals who pander to public interest in sensationalist or provocative content.
15. Self-serving panderers - Refers to those who pander purely to satisfy their own interests and desires over concern for others.

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