Parleys example sentences

Related (13): negotiations, talks, discussions, conferences, dialogues, consultations, summits, meetings, deliberations, exchanges, debates, conversations, diplomacy

"Parleys" Example Sentences

"Parleys" is an archaic term referring to discussions or negotiations.
1. The warring nations commenced parleys to discuss terms of a peace treaty.
2. The representatives began informal parleys to see if a compromise could be reached.
3. The labor union demanded that management commence parleys to discuss wage demands.
4. After months of hostility, the two sides finally agreed to enter into parleys.
5. The ambassadors initiated parleys in an attempt to end the conflict.
6. Preliminary parleys took place between the intermediaries before official negotiations began.
7. The opposing generals held secret parleys under a flag of truce.
8. The leaders authorized their representatives to hold exploratory parleys.
9. The businessmen opened parleys to discuss a potential merger.
10. The hostage takers agreed to parleys with government officials.
11. The gang leaders authorized their representatives to hold truce parleys.
12. After weeks of skirmishes, the opposing sides agreed to enter into formal parleys.
13. Ceasefire parleys finally resulted in an end to weeks of bloodshed.
14. The collapse of parleys led to an escalation of violence and hostilities.
15. Tentative parleys between the militants and government officials were seen as a positive sign.
16. Exploratory parleys broke down over fundamental disagreements between the two sides.
17. Parleys between the separatist militants and national army yielded no progress.
18. The diplomats initiated confidential parleys in an attempt to diffuse tensions.
19. Despite multiple parleys, no compromise could be reached on the core issues.
20. Parleys between rival factions failed to produce an agreement.
21. Low-level parleys were initiated before the official negotiating teams were assembled.
22. Both sides refused to budge during the latest round of parleys.
23. Peace parleys finally brought an end to years of civil war.
24. Preliminary parleys took place under the auspices of a neutral third party.
25. There was hope that the latest round of parleys would yield a breakthrough.
26. Diplomatic parleys produced an historic peace treaty between the warring sides.
27. Parleys were suspended indefinitely after one side rejected the proposals.
28. The collapse of parleys threatened to plunge the region back into violence.
29. Tentative parleys yielded little progress despite a promise to continue negotiations.
30. Mediation efforts and parleys produced a fragile truce between the opposing forces.
31. Parleys broke down due to distrust between the rival officials.
32. Parleys were authorized to discuss the release of the hostages.
33. Neither side was willing to compromise during the latest round of parleys.
34. Surrender parleys were commenced under flags of truce.
35. Backchannel parleys often yielded more progress than official negotiations.
36. Peace parleys dragged on for months without resolution.
37. Ceasefire parleys yielded a tentative truce that both sides quickly violated.
38. Exploratory parleys behind closed doors paved the way for official negotiations.
39. Despite hopes for progress, the latest round of ceasefire parleys yielded no results.
40. The leaders ordered their representatives to suspend all further parleys.
41. Parleys between the paramilitaries and government officials never materialized.
42. Despite multiple rounds of parleys, the two sides remained far apart on key issues.
43. The parleys dragged on for days with no end in sight.
44. The collapse of peace parleys led to a resumption of hostilities.
45. A brief ceasefire allowed for emergency parleys aimed at preventing further bloodshed.
46. Discretionary parleys produced more candor between opposing officials.
47. Indirect parleys through intermediaries led to a surprising breakthrough.
48. Diplomats initiated confidential parleys in a last ditch effort to prevent war.
49. Talks between the insurgents and government officials were an important first step, even if initial parleys yielded no concrete results.
50. Both sides remained suspicious during the initial round of parleys.
51. Peace parleys between rival nations often require delicate diplomacy and compromise.
52. Preliminary parleys informally explored possibilities before formal negotiations began.
53. The truce allowed for parleys to discuss terms of a peaceful solution.
54. Despite the collapse of parleys, both sides vowed to continue negotiations.
55. Confidential parleys were seen as a positive sign that an official peace process might soon begin.
56. The parleys dragged on for hours without any resolution in sight.
57. Armed parleys between rival gangs often produce tense standoffs.
58. The hostage takers agreed to parleys in exchange for safe passage from the compound.
59. The opposing armies commenced parleys under a flag of truce.
60. Parleys between the diplomats stretched into the early morning hours.

Common Phases

1. The leaders parleyed on the battlefield in hopes of reaching an agreement to end the bloody conflict.
2. The pirates agreed to parley with the captain and meet aboard his ship to discuss their demands.
3. The prisoners managed to parley with the guards and convince them to let them go.
4. The miners went on strike until the company agreed to parley and discuss their demands.
5. The hostile army commanders parleyed under a flag of truce to discuss terms for an armistice.
6. The rival gangs sent representatives to parley and attempt to negotiate a truce.
7. The diplomat began secret parleys with the dissident factions to broker an agreement.
8. We await the results of the diplomats' parleys with the warring factions.
9. Their envoys will parley soon to discuss the possibility of a peace treaty.
10. He went alone into the enemy camp to parley for the lives of his men.
11. The different nations will send emissaries to parley and hopefully end the yearlong conflict.
12. After weeks of parleying, the two sides finally agreed to a ceasefire.
13. Wealthy investors parleyed with the inventors in hopes of funding their next big idea.
14. The opposing philosophers continued their parleys in an attempt to find common ground.
15. Representatives of the two companies are parleying in an effort to form a merger.
16. The tribes sent delegates to parley and perhaps make common cause against their enemies.
17. The workers' union leaders demanded parleys with management to discuss higher wages.
18. Parliament dispatched envoys to parley with the rebels and end the uprising.
19. The young lovers met secretly to parley and plan their elopement.
20. The kidnappers agreed to parley and discuss their ransom demands in person.
21. Let us parley and see if we can reach an accord that satisfies us both.
22. To make his wealth, he parleyed with kings and popes, maneuvering until he got the best deal.
23. The generals parleyed for several hours before agreeing to a temporary truce.
24. The striking workers refused to return until company representatives agreed to parley.
25. Rival scholars parley for years without convincing one another of their respective views.
26. They arranged a secret meeting to parley in hopes of salvaging their failing relationship.
27. We parleyed about an upcoming assignment while walking to class.
28. The researchers met to parley and discuss the results of their latest experiments.
29. Diplomats were sent to Geneva to parley with the aggrieved nation's representatives.
30. The candidates parleyed on stage during the debate in an attempt to sway voters.
31. The attorney and her client continued to parley as they awaited the judge's decision.
32. Let us parley like gentlemen and seek a peaceful solution.
33. They began to parley as enemies but left as friends.
34. The two political factions agreed to parley in the hopes of putting aside their differences.
35. The representatives parleyed for hours before finally reaching a compromise agreement.
36. We may parley for hours without agreement, so let us choose the wisest course.
37. Their envoys parleyed for weeks before reaching the outlines of a possible treaty.
38. We parleyed at length over Sunday brunch, debating the merits of various plans.
39. The boys agreed to parley before resorting to fisticuffs on the playground.
40. The leaders parleyed long into the night before reaching a deal acceptable to all sides.
41. Critics and admirers parleyed interminably about the artist's latest avant-garde work.
42. The family patriarch met secretly with both sons to parley for their support.
43. The mercenaries agreed to parley and discuss how much the king should pay for their services.
44. The political opponents began to parley civilly after many years of bitter acrimony.
45. Let us parley honestly and come to an agreement that benefits us both.
46. They parleyed politely over tea but neither swayed the other's opinion on the matter.
47. The hostage takers agreed to parley with police negotiators inside the bank.
48. Jesters parleyed with kings to speak truth to power through humor and wit.
49. We should parley awhile to discover where good sense may lie between us.
50. They parleyed for hours until both sides had voiced their perspectives and grievances fully.
51. The warrior queen agreed to parley with the invading king's ambassador.
52. The teams parleyed briefly before the game resumed.
53. The rival gangs agreed to parley to avoid further bloodshed.
54. The heroes parleyed with the villain to learn his nefarious plan.
55. The merchants parleyed with the tribal chief to negotiate trade deals for exotic goods.
56. The foes quarreled for years before finally agreeing to parley.
57. The chess masters parleyed for hours but eventually reached a draw.
58. We should parley like civilized people before harsh words lead to fisticuffs.
59. He parleyed long with her, seeking to convince her of his good intentions.
60. The generals parleyed at dawn, agreeing at last to end the futile bloodshed.

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