Parted example sentences

Related (6): divided, separated, split, disconnected, severed, disunited

"Parted" Example Sentences

1. The lovers parted ways with heavy hearts.
2. The long-time friends parted on bad terms.
3. After an emotional goodbye, the siblings parted.
4. The business partners parted amicably after years of success.
5. The soldier and his family parted with tears in their eyes.
6. The couple parted reluctantly after a beautiful vacation.
7. We parted ways but with the promise to meet again.
8. The team members parted cheerfully after completing the project.
9. The classmates parted from school with mixed emotions.
10. The team parted after winning the tournament.
11. My mother and I parted in front of the departure gate.
12. The missionary and his family finally parted with their adopted country.
13. The friends parted at the crossroads with smiles and waves.
14. The men parted outside the pub after hours of reminiscing.
15. The two siblings finally parted with forgiveness after years of estrangement.
16. We parted ways at the train station with plans to reunite soon.
17. The soldiers finally parted with their families after months of deployment.
18. The colleagues parted on friendly terms at the office doors.
19. The vacationing companions parted sadly outside the airport.
20. The newlyweds reluctantly parted after their honeymoon.
21. The soldiers finally parted with their loving families after a short leave.
22. Her long hair parted in the middle and fell in gentle waves past her shoulders.
23. The crowd of protesters reluctantly parted as the police walked through.
24. The curtains parted to reveal the stunning view of the garden below.
25. Her thick eyebrows slightly parted in the middle to frame clear gray eyes.
26. The waves of the ocean lazily parted as the bow of the ship passed through.
27. The dark clouds finally parted letting through a stream of golden sunlight.
28. The tall grass parted easily under her feet as she walked through the field.
29. The dense fog finally parted to reveal the road ahead.
30. Their paths finally parted, leaving them with bittersweet memories.
31. The thick crowd reluctantly parted to make way for the ambulance.
32. The great gates of heaven parted to welcome the faithful soul within.
33. My friends slowly parted from the group, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
34. The bushes readily parted as the rabbit dashed through in search of cover.
35. I watched sadly as my twin sister and I finally parted at the school gates.
36. His unruly hair naturally parted in the middle and fell to frame sun-bronzed cheeks.
37. The thick forest canopy finally parted to reveal the shimmering lake beyond.
38. Her long brunette hair naturally parted on one side and fell in soft waves.
39. The Red Sea famously parted to allow Moses and the Israelites to pass through.
40. The heavy clouds finally parted, allowing the full moon to shine through.
41. The grim wall of soldiers reluctantly parted to let the child through.
42. The dense foliage reluctantly parted to reveal a small clearing in the jungle.
43. The sea of protesters reluctantly parted to let the ambulance through.
44. The close-knit group finally parted ways at the end of their summer camp.
45. With a heavy heart, I watched my daughter part from me on her first day of school.
46. The harsh winter clouds finally parted, revealing a dazzling sunny sky.
47. The two allies finally parted ways after accomplishing their joint mission.
48. The vicious dogs reluctantly parted, releasing their chew toy.
49. The strong bonds that held us together finally parted as life pulled us in different directions.
50. The iron gates slowly parted, opening to reveal the stunning castle within.
51. The lush tropical jungle finally parted to reveal the ancient ruins.
52. Our paths finally parted at the end of high school, though we never really lost touch.
53. The thick bamboo forest finally parted to reveal a small mountain village.
54. The thick crowd reluctantly parted to let the ambulance through.
55. After years apart, old friends finally parted with joyful hugs and laughter.
56. The heavy curtains finally parted, letting the morning sun shine through.
57. The loud chatter in the pub finally parted to reveal two old friends.
58. The dense tropical jungle finally parted to reveal the lost ruin temple.
59. The dark clouds finally parted revealing a rainbow arching across the sky.
60. Her waist-length hair naturally parted on one side and fell in soft waves.

Common Phases

1. Part ways
Example: The friends parted ways after graduation.
2. Part on bad/good terms
Example: The couple parted on good terms after their divorce.
3. Part reluctantly/sadly/cheerfully
Example: The teammates parted reluctantly at the end of summer camp.
4. Part with tears in their eyes
Example: The soldiers parted with tears in their eyes as they left for deployment.
5. Part with heavy hearts
Example: The lovers parted with heavy hearts, knowing they may never meet again.
6. Part with promises to meet again
Example: The classmates parted with promises to meet again the following year.
7. Hair parted in the middle
Example: Her long hair was parted in the middle and fell in loose waves.
8. Crowd parted
Example: The crowd reluctantly parted to make way for the ambulance.
9. Curtains/clouds parted
Example: The thick clouds finally parted, revealing the hidden moon.
10. Waves parted
Example: The waves parted easily in front of the speeding motorboat.

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