Passengermiddle example sentences

Related (5): seat, aisle, legroom, armrest, headrest

"Passengermiddle" Example Sentences

1. The middle passenger was squished between the two larger passengers.
2. As the flight attendant walked down the aisle, she noticed the passenger in the middle seat was fast asleep.
3. The passenger in the middle seat had to awkwardly climb over the other two passengers to use the restroom.
4. The middle passenger was grateful for the window passenger's willingness to share the view.
5. Being a middle passenger on a long flight is never fun.
6. The row of seats had four passengers, with the unlucky one stuck in the passenger-middle.
7. The middle passenger fidgeted uncomfortably as the person next to them snored.
8. She was relieved to discover that the passenger-middle seat was open and quickly claimed it for herself.
9. The flight was completely full and the only available seat was the middle passenger seat.
10. The middle passenger leaned against the window, trying to get comfortable.
11. The passenger-middle seat may not be the best, but at least it's better than standing.
12. The middle passenger had to endure a five hour flight with no leg room and a crying baby next to them.
13. The middle passenger tried to read their book, but was distracted by the conversations of the passengers on either side of them.
14. The middle passenger was the last to board the plane, leaving them with no overhead storage space.
15. The first class section was empty, while the middle passenger remained crammed in their tiny seat.
16. The passenger in the middle seat had no elbow room and kept accidentally bumping their neighboring passengers.
17. The turbulence made the middle passenger feel as though they were stuck on a never-ending rollercoaster.
18. The middle passenger tried not to get too excited when the seat next to them remained empty, allowing for some much-needed leg room.
19. The passive aggression between the two passengers on either side of the middle passenger made for a very uncomfortable flight.
20. The middle passenger was delighted to discover a charging port beneath their seat.
21. The passenger in the middle seat felt a wave of relief when they finally landed and could stretch their legs.
22. The middle passenger was grateful for the free headphones provided by the airline.
23. The passenger-middle seat may be small, but at least it comes with an air vent to control the temperature.
24. The middle passenger hoped to get some sleep, but the constant chatter of the person next to them made it impossible.
25. The plane was so small that even the aisle felt narrow for the middle passenger.
26. The passenger in the middle seat was good-natured, despite the uncomfortable sleeping conditions.
27. The middle passenger vowed to arrive early next time to avoid getting stuck in such a terrible seat.
28. The passenger in the middle seat was hoping for an upgrade, but was sadly disappointed.
29. The middle passenger misspelled the word "passenger" three times while trying to write a story about their terrible flight.
30. The flight was such a bumpy ride that the middle passenger was almost certain they were going to get sick.

Common Phases

1. "Excuse me, could you please switch seats so I can sit in the passengermiddle?"
2. "I hate sitting in the passengermiddle, it's so cramped."
3. "I always feel bad for whoever gets stuck in the passengermiddle seat."
4. "Do you mind if I put my armrest down in the passengermiddle?"
5. "I wish airlines would make the passengermiddle seat wider."

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