Passes example sentences

Related (5): tickets, clearances, permits, approvals, authorizations

"Passes" Example Sentences

1. The time passes quickly when I'm with you.
2. The bus passes my house every half hour.
3. My father's job passes from one generation to the next.
4. Once the exam is over, my anxiety passes.
5. The ball carrier passes the ball to a teammate.
6. I passed all my classes this semester.
7. She passed me the salt at dinner.
8. The law passes with bipartisan support.
9. The bill still needs to pass the Senate.
10. The new law will not pass easily.
11. The parade passes by my street tomorrow.
12. The train passes through the town twice a day.
13. As he passes away, I hold his hand.
14. The bill passes into law.
15. Winter quickly passes into spring.
16. The puck passes across the ice.
17. The flu bug passes around the office.
18. The information passes from teacher to student.
19. The melody passes between the singers.
20. The river passes through the town.
21. The headache passes after a good night's sleep.
22. The car passes the cyclist on the narrow road.
23. The patient passes away peacefully.
24. The title passes to the eldest son.
25. The spotlight passes from one dancer to the next.
26. She passes out from drinking too much.
27. The torch passes from one runner to the next.
28. The boat passes under the bridge.
29. The ball passes between the fielders.
30. The plane passes high overhead.
31. The leadership passes to a new generation.
32. The crowd passes through the entry gates.
33. The tornado passes just north of town.
34. The guard passes every vehicle through the checkpoint.
35. The storm passes over us quickly.
36. The credit card expires and no longer passes.
37. The hot air balloon passes silently overhead.
38. The newspaper passes from one subscriber to another.
39. The envelope passes through quality control before mailing.
40. Her mood passes once she gets some fresh air.
41. The elderly couple passes on their wisdom to grandchildren.
42. The truck passes between the two lanes of traffic.
43. The chance to succeed passes me by.
44. The appetite passes after the first course.
45. The proposal passes through multiple revisions.
46. The day passes slowly when I'm bored.
47. The heirloom passes through generations of a family.
48. The medication passes out of my system within hours.
49. The gossip passes around the office.
50. The host passes around appetizers on a tray.
51. The dessert passes around the dinner table for everyone to sample.
52. The classmate passes me a note during the lecture.
53. The probation period passes and I'm hired full-time.
54. The bluejay passes between the elm trees.
55. The storm passes, leaving destruction in its wake.
56. The bill passes the House but fails in the Senate.
57. The knowledge passes from teacher to student.
58. The driver passes slower cars on the highway.
59. The cold medicine passes through my system.
60. The parcel passes through customs without delay.

Common Phases

The time passes.
The bus passes by.
He passed away.
It passes under.
He passed out.
The torch passes.
She passed on.
They pass through.
It passes over.
It passes between.
It passes around.
The test passes.
The bill passes.
Winter passes (into spring).
The opportunity passes.
The title passes (to the next in line).
The inheritance passes (to the next generation).
The information passes (from one person to another).
The credit card expires/expires and no longer passes.
The chance passes (me by).
The illness passes.
The appetite passes (after eating).
The proposal passes (through stages and revisions).
The day passes (slowly).
It passes through (various stages).
The rumor passes (around the office).
The note passes (between classmates).
The probation period passes.
The medicine passes (through my system).
The package passes (through customs).

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