Pathogenically example sentences

Related (7): virulently, contagiously, infectiously, malignantly, harmfully, detrimentally, dangerously.

"Pathogenically" Example Sentences

1. The doctor was convinced that the patient's illness was caused pathogenically.
2. Exposure to certain chemicals can lead to pathogenically induced diseases.
3. The scientist's research focused on identifying the mechanisms through which viruses act pathogenically.
4. The pathologist examined the tissue samples to determine if the cancer was growing pathogenically.
5. Consuming contaminated food can result in pathogenically induced food poisoning.
6. The study showed that stress can affect the body pathogenically and weaken the immune system.
7. The virus spread pathogenically throughout the population and caused widespread illness.
8. Mutations in genes can sometimes cause cells to behave pathogenically and become cancerous.
9. The bacteria were found to be spreading pathogenically through the hospital.
10. The pathogenicity of the virus was determined through extensive testing.
11. The pathologist documented the progression of the disease as it spread pathogenically through the patient's body.
12. The researcher found evidence that some fungi can act pathogenically and cause infections in humans.
13. The scientists are studying how bacteria act pathogenically in order to develop new treatments.
14. Rapid diagnosis is essential for treating pathogenically induced diseases effectively.
15. The pathologist was able to identify the cause of the illness by examining the tissue samples pathogenically.
16. Pathogenically induced illnesses can be prevented through proper hygiene and sanitation.
17. The study showed that exposure to pollution can cause respiratory problems pathogenically.
18. The pathogenesis of the virus was investigated in order to develop a vaccine.
19. Bacteria can reproduce quickly and spread pathogenically within a population.
20. The doctor prescribed antibiotics to help fight the pathogenic bacteria.
21. The researchers discovered a new pathogenic strain of the virus.
22. The pathogenesis of the cancer was studied in order to develop more effective treatments.
23. The pathologist noted the abnormal growth of cells as they spread pathogenically.
24. The study found that some fungi can behave pathogenically and cause infections in plants.
25. The scientists are investigating the pathogenesis of the disease in order to develop better diagnostic tools.
26. The pathogenicity of the bacteria was already known, so treatment could begin immediately.
27. The pathologist identified the presence of pathogens in the patient's blood through microscopic examination.
28. Pathogenic strains of bacteria can cause outbreaks of illness in communities.
29. The study found that exposure to certain chemicals can cause cells to behave pathogenically and become cancerous.
30. Scientists are researching how viruses act pathogenically within cells in order to develop better treatments.

Common Phases

1. The disease progressed pathogenically; causing irreversible damage to the internal organs.
2. The infection spread pathogenically; affecting more and more individuals every day.
3. The virus mutated pathogenically; making it difficult for vaccines to be effective.
4. The cancer cells grew pathogenically; invading neighboring tissues and organs.
5. The bacteria multiplied pathogenically; leading to severe sepsis in the patient.
6. The parasitic worms infested the body pathogenically; causing intense pain and discomfort.
7. The fungi spread pathogenically; causing skin rashes and respiratory distress.

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