Patriarchalists example sentences

Related (3): patriarchy, sexism, misogyny

"Patriarchalists" Example Sentences

1. Many patriarchalists believe that the female gender is inferior.
2. Patriarchalists have long argued that women should not be allowed to vote.
3. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through oppressive laws.
4. Patriarchalists have been criticized for their lack of respect for women's rights.
5. Patriarchalists have argued that women should be subservient to men in all matters.
6. Patriarchalists often use religion to justify their views on gender roles.
7. Patriarchalists have been accused of denying women their basic human rights.
8. Patriarchalists have been accused of trying to limit women's freedom and autonomy.
9. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through oppressive social norms.
10. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through the use of violence.
11. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through the use of economic power.
12. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through the denial of education and employment opportunities.
13. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through the use of fear and intimidation.
14. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through the use of shame and guilt.
15. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through the use of religious dogma.
16. Patriarchalists have been accused of attempting to control women through the use of cultural norms.
17. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the law to oppress women and deny them their rights.
18. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the media to propagate their views on gender roles.
19. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the education system to indoctrinate children into their beliefs.
20. Patriarchalists have been accused of using language to diminish and demean women.
21. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the power of the state to enforce their views on gender roles.
22. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the power of the church to enforce their views on gender roles.
23. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the power of the family to enforce their views on gender roles.
24. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the power of the workplace to enforce their views on gender roles.
25. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the power of the media to propagate their views on gender roles.
26. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the power of the law to enforce their views on gender roles.
27. Patriarchalists have been accused of using violence to enforce their views on gender roles.
28. Patriarchalists have been accused of using economic power to enforce their views on gender roles.
29. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of violence to control and oppress women.
30. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of economic hardship to control and oppress women.
31. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of social ostracism to control and oppress women.
32. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of religious punishment to control and oppress women.
33. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of physical violence to control and oppress women.
34. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of sexual violence to control and oppress women.
35. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of emotional abuse to control and oppress women.
36. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of psychological manipulation to control and oppress women.
37. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of social isolation to control and oppress women.
38. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of legal action to control and oppress women.
39. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of financial ruin to control and oppress women.
40. Patriarchalists have been accused of using the threat of public humiliation to control and oppress women.

Common Phases

Patriarchy; Patriarchal Ideology; Patriarchal Structures; Patriarchalism; Patriarchal System; Patriarchal Society; Patriarchal Norms.

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