Patriots example sentences

Related (8): loyalists, revolution, freedom, flag, democracy, nationalism, courage, unity

"Patriots" Example Sentences

1. The Patriots played a great game last night and won by 10 points.
2. The team of patriots worked tirelessly to protect their country from outside threats.
3. Many Americans consider George Washington to be one of their greatest patriots.
4. Fans of the New England Patriots are known for their unyielding devotion to the team.
5. The brave patriots fought against the tyranny of the British Empire during the American Revolution.
6. The town square was filled with proud patriots waving American flags and cheering for their country.
7. The legacy of the Patriots football team is one of perseverance, hard work, and determination.
8. The patriots were willing to lay down their lives to protect their freedom and independence.
9. The New England Patriots are one of the most successful franchises in NFL history.
10. The patriots believed that their cause was just and that their fight for independence was worth any sacrifice.
11. The spirit of patriotism was alive and well at the Fourth of July parade in downtown.
12. The brave Patriot soldiers fought tirelessly to secure a safe and free future for the United States.
13. The patriotism of the American people was evident in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.
14. Patriotism is rooted in a deep love for one's country and a desire to protect its values.
15. The Patriots quarterback led his team to victory with his incredible performance on the field.
16. The patriots of the American Revolution were willing to risk everything for their belief in freedom and democracy.
17. The city was filled with patriotic decorations and banners in honor of Independence Day.
18. The Patriots defense was a force to be reckoned with, stopping the opponent's offense at every turn.
19. The patriots of World War II fought against tyranny and oppression, ultimately securing victory for the Allied forces.
20. The stadium erupted in cheers as the Patriots scored a game-winning touchdown in the final seconds.
21. Patriots Day is a holiday celebrated in Massachusetts in honor of the American Revolution.
22. The patriots who fought in the Civil War believed in their cause and were willing to die for it.
23. The New England Patriots have a long history of winning championships and dominating the NFL.
24. The patriots who founded the United States wrote the Constitution with the hopes of creating a perfect union.
25. The celebratory parade was a sea of red, white, and blue as patriots from all walks of life lined the streets.
26. The Patriots offensive line was rock solid, giving their quarterback plenty of time to make plays.
27. The dedication and commitment of the patriots who serve in the military is truly inspiring.
28. The energy in the stadium was electric as the Patriots scored another touchdown to seal their victory.
29. The patriots who founded this country wanted to create a nation where all people had equal rights and opportunities.
30. Patriots come from all backgrounds and beliefs, but are united in their love for their country.

Common Phases

1. The Patriots played a great game; they really showed their perseverance and skill.
2. Many Patriots fans were disappointed by the loss; it was a tough defeat to swallow.
3. The Patriots are known for their strong defense; they always put up a good fight.
4. The Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady, is a legend; he's one of the greatest players of all time.
5. The Patriots have a storied history; they've won multiple Super Bowls and have had many iconic moments.
6. Some people criticize the Patriots for cheating; others defend their tactics as part of the game.
7. The Patriots have a loyal fan base; they support the team through thick and thin.
8. The Patriots coach, Bill Belichick, is a mastermind; his strategic decisions often turn the tide of the game.

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