Patronesses example sentences

Related (5): benefactresses, sponsors, supporters, backers, philanthropists

"Patronesses" Example Sentences

1. The ball was organized by the patronesses of the society.
2. The patronesses of the orphanage generously donated money.
3. The patronesses of the arts council voted on the next exhibition.
4. The patronesses of the charity fundraiser were all dressed in their finest clothes.
5. The patronesses of the opera selected the performers for the upcoming show.
6. The patronesses of the library held a meeting to discuss the new book purchases.
7. The patronesses of the hospital visited the patients regularly.
8. The patronesses of the college scholarship fund were very passionate about education.
9. The patronesses of the garden club arranged a tour of local gardens.
10. The patronesses of the historical society worked to preserve the town's heritage.
11. The patronesses of the music society organized a concert to benefit refugees.
12. The patronesses of the theater group held auditions for the upcoming production.
13. The patronesses of the animal shelter helped to find homes for abandoned pets.
14. The patronesses of the literacy program tutored disadvantaged children after school.
15. The patronesses of the women's club raised funds for scholarships for women.
16. The patronesses of the museum curated a new exhibit on local art.
17. The patronesses of the food bank organized a food drive for families in need.
18. The patronesses of the dance company held rehearsals for the spring performance.
19. The patronesses of the nature conservancy worked to protect wildlife habitats.
20. The patronesses of the historical preservation society restored an old building.
21. The patronesses of the environmental group organized a beach cleanup.
22. The patronesses of the choir practiced for their upcoming Christmas concert.
23. The patronesses of the women's health group held a seminar on breast cancer.
24. The patronesses of the tennis club arranged a tournament for charity.
25. The patronesses of the gardening society shared tips on growing roses.
26. The patronesses of the soup kitchen served meals to the homeless.
27. The patronesses of the literary club discussed poetry and literature.
28. The patronesses of the art league held an exhibit of members' artwork.
29. The patronesses of the children's literacy program read to toddlers at the library.
30. The patronesses of the theater troupe presented a play for the community.

Common Phases

1. The patronesses of the arts folded their programs and took their seats in the theater;
2. The patronesses of the charity event mingled with the guests in the ballroom;
3. The patronesses of the museum fundraiser cheered as the exhibit was unveiled;
4. The patronesses of the literary society discussed the latest novels over tea;
5. The patronesses of the opera donned their finest gowns and opera glasses;
6. The patronesses of the dance troupe watched intently as the performers rehearsed;
7. The patronesses of the symphony orchestra tapped their feet to the rhythm of the music;
8. The patronesses of the garden club admired the blooming flowers and the manicured lawns;
9. The patronesses of the historical society explored the old archives and artifacts;
10. The patronesses of the culinary club tasted and savored the delicious dishes prepared by the chef.

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