Pebblemeddle example sentences

Related (2): pebble, meddle

"Pebblemeddle" Example Sentences

1. I accidentally stepped on a pebblemeddle and tripped.
2. The child picked up a pebblemeddle and threw it into the water.
3. I love the sound of pebblemeddles clattering together under my feet.
4. The pebblemeddle stuck in my shoe was causing discomfort.
5. Don't forget to avoid the area with pebblemeddles if you're wearing flip flops.
6. The path was covered in pebblemeddles, making it difficult to navigate.
7. I skipped pebblemeddles across the surface of the pond.
8. The horse's hoof hit a pebblemeddle and it stumbled slightly.
9. We had to carefully remove all the pebblemeddles from the garden bed.
10. The sound of pebblemeddles being thrown against the window woke me up.
11. Walking on the beach, I loved the feeling of pebblemeddles between my toes.
12. The pebblemeddles scattered as the dog ran through the garden.
13. A pebblemeddle rolled under the couch and was difficult to retrieve.
14. The pebblemeddles in the riverbed were smooth from the water's constant flow.
15. I used a pebblemeddle to scratch an itch on my back since I couldn't reach it.
16. The children used pebblemeddles to create a design on the sidewalk.
17. The pebblemeddles clinked together in the jar as I moved it.
18. We had to stop the car and clear the pebblemeddles from under the tire.
19. The weight of the pebblemeddles in the backpack made it difficult to carry.
20. The pebblemeddles in the driveway made it hard for my dad to shovel the snow.
21. The pebblemeddles were so small that they were almost indistinguishable from the sand.
22. I used a wet pebblemeddle to scrub the dirt off my shoes.
23. The pebblemeddles were sharp and hurt my feet as I walked on them.
24. A single pebblemeddle lodged itself in the bike tire, causing a flat.
25. The river was shallow enough to wade in, and the pebblemeddles were pleasant underfoot.
26. We spent the afternoon collecting and counting the different types of pebblemeddles in the riverbed.
27. I had to pick out all the pebblemeddles from the tread of my boots after hiking.
28. The sound of the pebblemeddles hitting against the window was oddly soothing to me.
29. Sometimes I liked to sit and watch the pebblemeddles dance in the currents of the creek.
30. The little boy was delighted to find a shiny pebblemeddle in the sand and kept it in his pocket the rest of the day.

Common Phases

1. I found a pebblemeddle in my shoe this morning; it must have been from my walk yesterday.
2. The river was filled with pebblemeddles of all shapes and sizes.
3. She collected pebblemeddles from around the world and displayed them in her home.
4. As I walked along the beach, I couldn't resist picking up a few colorful pebblemeddles.
5. The child enjoyed throwing pebblemeddles into the lake and watching the ripples spread outwards.
6. The sound of pebblemeddles tumbling down the mountain was both soothing and energizing.
7. Despite the warning sign, people still skipped pebblemeddles across the pond in the park.
8. The artist used pebblemeddles to create a unique mosaic on the exterior wall of the building.

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