Pedante example sentences

Related (10): arrogant, perfectionist, nitpicker, know-it-all, stickler, martinet, formalist, prig, doctrinaire, dogmatic.

"Pedante" Example Sentences

1. As a math teacher, it's easy to fall into the trap of being too pedantic with your explanations.
2. I can't stand listening to that pedantic professor drone on about obscure literary references.
3. The editor's pedantic approach to grammar sometimes hindered the flow of the article.
4. Although he had great knowledge, his pedantic tone turned others off from taking him seriously.
5. The pedantic writing style of the author made his novels difficult to read.
6. The debate turned heated when one debater accused the other of being too pedantic in his arguments.
7. The history professor's class was often criticized for being overly pedantic and dry.
8. Her pedantic approach to cooking had her adding ingredients in exact measurements.
9. The lawyer was criticized for his pedantic use of legal terms during the trial.
10. The student's pedantic attitude towards class assignments often put her at odds with her classmates.
11. The philosopher's pedantic lecturing style put the entire room to sleep.
12. The scientist's pedantic attention to detail made sure the experiment went without a hitch.
13. The teacher's pedantic insistence on following the rules to the letter was frustrating for the students.
14. His pedantic nature had him constantly correcting others in everyday conversations.
15. The designer's pedantic focus on symmetry led to an incredibly beautiful and balanced product.
16. The writing guide's pedantic approach to grammar was incredibly helpful for some, but overwhelming for others.
17. The IT department's pedantic adherence to security protocols protected the company from cyberattacks.
18. His pedantic insistence on fact-checking sometimes led him down useless rabbit holes.
19. The artist's pedantic approach to color theory made her work stand out in the gallery.
20. The chef's pedantic instructions led to a mouth-watering meal for the guests.
21. The mediator's pedantic behavior kept the negotiation moving along despite numerous setbacks.
22. The pernickety doctor's pedantic focus on medical history led to the correct diagnosis of a rare disease.
23. His pedantic style of writing made his prose sound stilted and robotic.
24. The athlete's pedantic approach to training led to a string of victories in the competition.
25. The mathematician's pedantic work ethic led to groundbreaking discoveries in the field.
26. The curator's pedantic attention to detail made the museum's exhibits incredibly informative and engaging.
27. The accountant's pedantic approach to finances saved the company from bankruptcy.
28. The linguist's pedantic knowledge of obscure languages made him a valuable asset in the academic community.
29. The crossword puzzle designer's pedantic approach to word choice made for an incredibly challenging puzzle.
30. The music conductor's pedantic attention to phrasing and dynamics led to an emotional and moving performance.

Common Phases

1. The pedante always insists on correcting every minor detail;
2. I can't stand how pedante he is about grammar and pronunciation;
3. She's such a pedante that she can't appreciate anything that isn't perfect;
4. He's being pedante again, nitpicking every sentence I say;
5. Even though she's always right, her pedante personality is irritating;
6. The pedante won't stop criticizing my work, even though it meets all the requirements;
7. He's such a pedante that he won't even listen to alternative perspectives;
8. Her pedante behavior is making it difficult for us to work together;
9. I can't believe how pedante he is being right now, it's driving me crazy;
10. She's a pedante to the point where she can't enjoy anything because it's not up to her standards.

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