Peepshows example sentences

Related (10): seedy, voyeuristic, illicit, pornographic, taboo, underground, scandalous, erotic, secretive, forbidden

"Peepshows" Example Sentences

1. She had never been to a peepshow before.
2. He enjoyed going to peepshows for entertainment.
3. The street corner was filled with peepshows and strip clubs.
4. Peepshows were once a popular form of entertainment in the 19th century.
5. The peepshow required a coin to reveal the image inside.
6. I stumbled upon a seedy peepshow while wandering the city at night.
7. Peepshows were often used as a secret way to view nudity and pornography.
8. The peepshow was hidden behind a velvet curtain.
9. The peepshow was a popular attraction at the carnival.
10. The peepshow was filled with dancers and acrobats.
11. She was shocked to see her husband inside the peepshow.
12. The peepshow was shut down by the police for indecent activity.
13. The peepshow had a strict policy against touching the performers.
14. The peepshow was a dark and dingy room filled with smoke and flashing lights.
15. The peepshow featured a magician who performed tricks for the audience.
16. He saved up his money so that he could visit the peepshow every week.
17. The peepshow had a reputation for being a sketchy place.
18. The peepshow was filled with strange and unusual acts.
19. She was lured into the peepshow by the promise of a free show.
20. The peepshow was one of the few places where she could escape from reality.
21. The peepshow was a place where people could let loose and have fun.
22. He didn't want anyone to know that he went to peepshows.
23. The peepshow was a relic of a bygone era.
24. The peepshow had a sign outside that read "Adults Only".
25. The peepshow was located in a dark alleyway.
26. She watched the performers in the peepshow with a mix of fascination and disgust.
27. The peepshow was raided by the police for violating public decency laws.
28. The peepshow was the only place where he felt alive.
29. She was embarrassed when she accidentally walked into the peepshow instead of the movie theater.
30. The peepshow was a place of temptation and sin.

Common Phases

1. I heard there's a new peepshow in town; wanna check it out?
2. I don't think I've ever been to a peepshow before; it's like stepping back in time.
3. I've heard some of these peepshows can be pretty sketchy; are you sure you want to go?
4. Let's grab some coins and head into the peepshow; it'll be a fun way to kill some time.
5. I feel a little uneasy about going to a peepshow; I'm not sure if it's really my thing.
6. Have you ever seen anything truly wild in a peepshow; or is it pretty tame?
7. I've always been curious about peepshows; what's the experience really like?
8. I don't know if I want to risk going to a peepshow; it could be too edgy for me.
9. People used to flock to peepshows for thrills; now it mostly seems like a novelty.
10. I've heard the best peepshows are in Amsterdam; we should plan a trip!

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