Pegylation example sentences

Related (5): bioavailability, stability, immunogenicity, pharmacokinetics, biocompatibility

"Pegylation" Example Sentences

1. The scientist was praised for his innovative work in pegylation technology.
2. The drug was modified using pegylation to increase its effectiveness.
3. The pegylation process involves attaching polyethylene glycol molecules to a molecule of interest.
4. The pegylation of proteins has become a popular strategy in drug development.
5. The company's latest drug utilizes pegylation to reduce unwanted side effects.
6. The introduction of pegylation has significantly improved the efficacy of certain drugs.
7. The pegylation of liposomes has greatly enhanced their stability and circulating time.
8. The use of pegylation in enzyme therapy has shown promising results in preclinical studies.
9. The pegylation of antibodies has revolutionized the field of targeted therapy.
10. The pegylation of peptides has been shown to increase their half-life in the body.
11. The pegylation of interferon-alpha has greatly improved its tolerability and efficacy in treating diseases.
12. The pegylation of insulin has been shown to result in more stable blood glucose levels.
13. The introduction of pegylation into vaccine development has shown promising results in animal studies.
14. The use of pegylation in gene therapy has led to significant improvements in targeted delivery.
15. The pegylation of nanoparticles has been shown to increase their circulation time in the bloodstream.
16. The development of pegylation technology has revolutionized the field of drug delivery.
17. The use of pegylation in nanomedicine has led to the development of new, more effective treatments.
18. The pegylation of growth factors has resulted in increased biological activity and stability.
19. The introduction of pegylation has significantly improved the pharmacokinetics of certain drugs.
20. The use of pegylation in peptide synthesis has led to the development of new, more potent compounds.
21. The pegylation of enzymes has shown promising results in improving their catalytic activity.
22. The development of pegylation technology has opened up new avenues in drug discovery.
23. The use of pegylation in cell therapy has shown promising results in improving cell survival and function.
24. The pegylation of biomolecules has led to greater stability and reduced immunogenicity.
25. The introduction of pegylation into the cancer therapeutics field has led to the development of new treatments.
26. The use of pegylation in infectious disease research has shown promising results in vaccine development.
27. The pegylation of cytokines has resulted in increased activity and reduced toxicity.
28. The development of pegylation technology has led to the creation of more precise and customizable therapies.
29. The introduction of pegylation has significantly improved the targeted delivery of drugs to specific tissues.
30. The use of pegylation in drug conjugation has led to the development of new, more potent compounds.

Common Phases

1. Pegylation is a process of conjugation between a polyethylene glycol molecule and a protein.
2. Pegylation can enhance the solubility and stability of a protein.
3. Pegylation can extend the half-life of a protein in the body.
4. Pegylation can reduce the immunogenicity of a protein.
5. Pegylation can improve the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a protein.
6. Pegylation can increase the efficacy and potency of a protein.
7. Pegylation can reduce the toxicity and side effects of a protein.
8. Pegylation has been used in the development of several biopharmaceuticals.

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