Peisistratos example sentences

Related (9): Tyrant, Athens, Solon, Democracy, Cleisthenes, Hippias, Hipparchus, Herodotus, Aristophanes.

"Peisistratos" Example Sentences

1. Peisistratos ruled Athens as a tyrant in the 6th century BC.
2. Despite being a tyrant, Peisistratos was popular among the common people.
3. Peisistratos succeeded in establishing trade links with foreign countries.
4. The reforms initiated by Peisistratos brought prosperity to Athens.
5. Peisistratos was known for his patronage of the arts and literature.
6. The era of Peisistratos is considered as the Golden Age of Athens.
7. Peisistratos was overthrown by the nobles with the help of Sparta.
8. Many stories and legends are associated with the reign of Peisistratos.
9. Peisistratos was born into a noble family in Athens.
10. Peisistratos was a successful commander in the wars against Megara.
11. Peisistratos was the first to introduce the concept of public festivals in Athens.
12. Peisistratos encouraged the cultivation of olive trees in Attica.
13. Peisistratos was accused of trying to usurp the throne of Delphi.
14. Peisistratos was known for his ability to inspire loyalty among his followers.
15. The cult of Dionysus flourished during the rule of Peisistratos.
16. Peisistratos' son, Hippias, succeeded him as the ruler of Athens.
17. Peisistratos was known for his generosity towards the poor and needy.
18. The reign of Peisistratos saw significant developments in architecture.
19. Peisistratos founded the first public libraries in Athens.
20. Peisistratos' rule was characterized by peace and stability in Athens.
21. Peisistratos was known for his military prowess and strategic acumen.
22. The reforms introduced by Peisistratos led to the expansion of Athenian democracy.
23. Peisistratos was a patron of the playwrights Aeschylus and Sophocles.
24. Peisistratos was a promoter of Greek unity against the Persian Empire.
25. Peisistratos' rule saw the construction of the Temple of Olympian Zeus.
26. Peisistratos was exiled from Athens twice but managed to regain power both times.
27. During the rule of Peisistratos, Athens became the dominant naval power in the Aegean Sea.
28. Peisistratos was instrumental in the introduction of the Athenian currency.
29. The festivals organized by Peisistratos were the breeding ground for the development of Greek drama.
30. Peisistratos was credited with the establishment of the Athenian navy.
31. The reign of Peisistratos marked the beginning of the Classical period of Greek culture.
32. Peisistratos was a patron of the philosopher Anaxagoras.
33. Peisistratos was known for his epic poetry and was considered a master of the genre.
34. Peisistratos was a staunch supporter of the Panhellenic Games.
35. The rule of Peisistratos saw the strengthening of Athenian cultural identity.
36. Peisistratos was responsible for the construction of the Acropolis complex in Athens.
37. Peisistratos founded the city of Peiraeus, which became the main port of Athens.
38. Peisistratos' reign saw the development of Greek philosophy.
39. Peisistratos was a patron of the sculptor Phidias.
40. Peisistratos was a pivotal figure in the evolution of Greek political thought.

Common Phases

Peisistratos was an Athenian statesman; Peisistratos was known for his cunning; Peisistratos seized power in Athens; Peisistratos established a tyranny in Athens; Peisistratos ruled Athens for almost thirty years; Peisistratos was beloved by the common people; Peisistratos implemented policies to help the poor; Peisistratos sponsored the building of the Panathenaic festival stadium.

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