Pendantin example sentences

Related (4): Pendantin, medication, prescription, dosage.

"Pendantin" Example Sentences

1. She wore a beautiful pendantin on a thin silver chain around her neck.
2. The pendantin on his keychain was a miniature version of his favorite sports team's logo.
3. The antique shop had a stunning display of pendantins from different eras.
4. He found a unique pendantin at a flea market that he added to his jewelry collection.
5. She received a diamond pendantin as a gift from her husband for their anniversary.
6. The pendantin on the necklace perfectly complemented her outfit for the evening.
7. He lost the pendantin that held a special meaning to him and searched everywhere to find it.
8. The pendantin had intricate patterns carved into it, showing the skilled craftsmanship of the artist.
9. The pendantin's chain broke, causing it to fall off and scatter the beads across the floor.
10. The pendantin had a tiny, hidden compartment where she stored a lock of hair as a keepsake.
11. The pendantin caught the light and sparkled brilliantly in the sun.
12. He added a small pendantin to his bracelet as a personal touch.
13. The pendantin had a deep blue stone, which matched her eyes perfectly.
14. The museum had a collection of ancient pendantins, each with its own unique history and meaning.
15. She received a pendantin from her grandmother, who said it had been passed down in their family for generations.
16. The pendantin was a symbol of power and was given only to the leaders of the tribe.
17. He had a special attachment to the pendantin, as it had been a gift from his late mother.
18. The pendantin had intricate filigree work around the edges, making it a work of art.
19. She lost the pendantin in the ocean, and it was never recovered.
20. The pendantin was made from precious stones and metals, making it a valuable piece of jewelry.
21. He wore the pendantin every day as a reminder of his faith and belief.
22. The pendantin was molded in the shape of a heart, signifying love and affection.
23. She bought a pendantin made from recycled materials as an eco-friendly option.
24. The pendantin had a small message engraved on it, representing a special moment in their lives.
25. He inherited a pendantin from his grandfather, who had worn it during World War II.
26. The pendantin was purchased on her travels abroad and held a special memory from her trip.
27. She wore a pendantin that had been blessed by a monk and believed it brought her good luck.
28. The pendantin had small crystals embedded in it, adding a touch of glamour to any outfit.
29. He lost the pendantin at the amusement park, causing him to frantically search for it.
30. The pendantin's chain had been broken for years, but she still kept it in her jewelry box as a cherished memento.

Common Phases

1. I'm not sure if I can take the pendantin; I don't know how it will affect me.
2. The doctor prescribed me pendantin; hopefully it will alleviate my symptoms.
3. My friend recommended that I try pendantin; she said it helped her with her allergies.
4. I have a feeling that pendantin won't work for me; I've tried so many different medicines already.
5. I need to remember to take my pendantin; otherwise, I'll suffer from my seasonal allergies.

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