Pentadactyle example sentences

Related (13): penta, dactyl, five-toed, limb, tetrapod, digitigrade, pentadactylism, pentadactylate, pollex, hallux, phalanx, manus, pes.

"Pentadactyle" Example Sentences

1. The pentadactyle hands of humans are unique among primates.
2. The fox has pentadactyle paws that allow it to move swiftly on rough terrain.
3. The study of pentadactyle evolution is a fascinating area of research.
4. The pentadactyle foot of the kangaroo has a unique structure that allows it to hop efficiently.
5. The pentadactyle limbs of reptiles have evolved to suit their various habitats and lifestyles.
6. The discovery of pentadactyle remains in ancient fossil records has shed light on the evolution of early mammals.
7. The pentadactyle hands of dolphins allow them to grasp and manipulate objects underwater.
8. The pentadactyle feet of birds have adapted to suit their specific modes of flight.
9. The pentadactyle forelimbs of bears enable them to dig for food and climb trees.
10. The pentadactyle fingers of primates are highly dexterous and have allowed for the development of sophisticated tool use.
11. The pentadactyle hind legs of horses have enabled them to run at high speeds for extended periods of time.
12. The pentadactyle design of the human hand is optimized for grasping and manipulating objects.
13. The pentadactyle forelimbs of whales have evolved into flippers for swimming through water.
14. The pentadactyle arms of octopuses are covered in suction cups for gripping and manipulating their environment.
15. The pentadactyle hands of primates have evolved for intricate manual tasks such as tool-making and tool-using.
16. The pentadactyle feet of primates have evolved for grasping and clinging to tree branches.
17. The pentadactyle organs of arthropods, such as the lobster and shrimp, have developed into claws for catching prey and defense.
18. The pentadactyle fins of some fish are able to move in coordination for swimming and propelling themselves through the water.
19. The pentadactyle hands of raccoons have opposable thumbs which allow them to grip and manipulate objects.
20. The pentadactyle limbs of cats are ideal for stalking prey and climbing trees.
21. The pentadactyle wings of bats have evolved for gliding and catching prey.
22. The pentadactyle fingers of whales are used for intricate tasks such as picking up small objects.
23. The pentadactyle feet of dogs are ideal for running and jumping.
24. The pentadactyle arms of primates have the ability to rotate at the elbow joint for increased dexterity.
25. The pentadactyle claws of some species of reptiles are potent weapons used for hunting and protection.
26. The pentadactyle appendages of arachnids, such as spiders and scorpions, have evolved for catching prey and defense.
27. The pentadactyle feet of elephants have evolved into strong, flexible trunks for feeding and communication.
28. The pentadactyle wings of birds have evolved for efficient flying and soaring.
29. The pentadactyle limbs of turtles and tortoises have developed for protection and carrying a heavy shell.
30. The pentadactyle fingers of frogs have evolved for gripping and climbing trees and other surfaces.

Common Phases

1. The pentadactyle structure allows humans to have a precision grip;
2. Many primates exhibit pentadactyle limbs;
3. The pentadactyle hand is crucial for tool use;
4. Evolution has favored pentadactyle limbs for their versatility;
5. All five digits of the pentadactyle foot are important for balance.

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