Persway example sentences

Related (9): convince, influence, sway, manipulate, cajole, coax, persuade, pressure, induce

"Persway" Example Sentences

1. It's difficult to persway my mom to let me stay out late.
2. The politician tried to persway voters to support his campaign.
3. I used my persuasive skills to persway my boss to give me a raise.
4. I couldn't persway my friend to come to the party with me.
5. The sales representative failed to persway me to upgrade my phone.
6. I'm trying to persway my teacher to give me an extension on my essay.
7. The advertisement was designed to persway consumers to buy the product.
8. The defendant's lawyer tried to persway the jury of his innocence.
9. It's impossible to persway my cat to stop scratching the furniture.
10. The activist worked tirelessly to persway lawmakers to pass the bill.
11. I'm going to try to persway my parents to let me travel abroad next summer.
12. The business owner used marketing strategies to persway customers to buy his product.
13. The coach tried to persway the team to practice harder.
14. I attempted to persway my roommate to clean the apartment.
15. The charity organization is working to persway people to donate to their cause.
16. The teacher used different teaching techniques to persway her students to understand the material.
17. I'm hoping to persway my partner to try a new restaurant for dinner.
18. The therapist used cognitive behavioral therapy to persway her patient's negative thoughts.
19. The manager tried to persway the employees to work overtime to meet the deadline.
20. The company's marketing campaign was designed to persway millennials to use their product.
21. I wish I could persway my dog to stop barking at every little noise.
22. The politician used emotional appeals to persway voters to support his policies.
23. The environmental group is trying to persway lawmakers to pass laws to protect the planet.
24. I tried to persway my friend to try sushi for the first time.
25. The teacher used real-life examples to persway her students to take an interest in history.
26. The parent council is trying to persway the school board to improve the quality of education.
27. The company's CEO used a compelling speech to persway the shareholders to invest in their expansion plan.
28. I attempted to persway my cousin to join me in volunteering at the local animal shelter.
29. The salesperson tried to persway me to buy a car that was way out of my budget.
30. The group organizer used social media to persway people to attend the event.

Common Phases

1. They tried to persway him to join their team;
2. She used her charm to persway him into buying her a drink;
3. The advertisement was designed to persway people to switch to their brand;
4. He was difficult to persway to change his mind;
5. The politician went door-to-door to persway voters to support him;
6. She used statistics to persway her audience to agree with her argument;
7. The salesman used his persuasive skills to persway his client to purchase the product;
8. The teacher used different teaching methods to persway all of her students to learn effectively;
9. They were able to persway the council to approve their proposal;
10. His friends were able to persway him to go on an adventure with them.

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