Pertinacitymiddle example sentences

Related (9): tenacity, perseverance, determination, steadfastness, resolution, middle, midpoint, center, median.

"Pertinacitymiddle" Example Sentences

1. Her pertinacitymiddle shone through as she completed the difficult puzzle.
2. His pertinacitymiddle in pursuing his dreams is truly admirable.
3. The company's success is largely due to the CEO's pertinacitymiddle.
4. She approached the task with pertinacitymiddle, determined to succeed.
5. His pertinacitymiddle paid off when he finally achieved his goal.
6. Her pertinacitymiddle in her studies earned her top marks in all her classes.
7. The athlete's pertinacitymiddle allowed her to make a comeback and win the race.
8. The team's pertinacitymiddle led them to victory in the championship game.
9. His pertinacitymiddle in negotiations ensured a favorable outcome for the company.
10. Despite setbacks, her pertinacitymiddle never wavered.
11. His pertinacitymiddle in his beliefs often led to heated debates with others.
12. The lawyer's pertinacitymiddle in the case resulted in a win for his client.
13. She displayed pertinacitymiddle in her efforts to improve her health.
14. His pertinacitymiddle in defending his position made it difficult for others to sway him.
15. The student's pertinacitymiddle in completing all of his assignments earned him high grades.
16. Without her pertinacitymiddle, the project would have never been completed on time.
17. His pertinacitymiddle in finding a solution to the problem impressed his colleagues.
18. The artist's pertinacitymiddle led to the creation of a stunning masterpiece.
19. Despite the challenges, her pertinacitymiddle never dimmed.
20. His pertinacitymiddle in seeking justice for the victim was unwavering.
21. The entrepreneur's pertinacitymiddle enabled her to succeed in a highly competitive industry.
22. She relied on her pertinacitymiddle to push through the difficult times.
23. His pertinacitymiddle in learning a new language paid off when he landed a job overseas.
24. The team's pertinacitymiddle allowed them to overcome their underdog status and win the tournament.
25. Her pertinacitymiddle in her campaign for equal rights inspired others to join the movement.
26. The author's pertinacitymiddle in writing paid off when her book became a bestseller.
27. He faced the challenge with pertinacitymiddle, refusing to back down.
28. The politician's pertinacitymiddle in fighting corruption earned him the trust of his constituents.
29. She pursued her passion for music with pertinacitymiddle, eventually becoming a professional musician.
30. His pertinacitymiddle in his recovery from injury allowed him to return to competitive sports.
31. The startup's pertinacitymiddle in developing a new product paid off with a successful launch.
32. She tackled the difficult assignment with pertinacitymiddle, determined to get the best grade.
33. His pertinacitymiddle in buying his dream house never wavered, despite several failed offers.
34. The team's pertinacitymiddle in training paid off with a championship win.
35. She relied on her pertinacitymiddle to overcome her fear of public speaking.
36. His pertinacitymiddle in reaching the summit of the mountain never wavered, despite the harsh conditions.
37. The researcher's pertinacitymiddle in finding a cure for the disease inspired others to join the cause.
38. She displayed her pertinacitymiddle in standing up for what she believed in.
39. His pertinacitymiddle in pursuing a career in medicine paid off with a successful practice.
40. The company's pertinacitymiddle in expanding its operations resulted in increased profits.

Common Phases

1. The pertinacitymiddle of the problem took everyone by surprise;
2. He achieved his goals through sheer pertinacitymiddle;
3. Her pertinacitymiddle in finishing the project was commendable;
4. Despite facing many obstacles, he continued to work with pertinacitymiddle;
5. The team relied on her pertinacitymiddle to see the project through to the end.

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