Perturb example sentences

Related (15): disrupt, unsettle, agitate, disturb, vex, annoy, bother, unnerve, fluster, discompose, ruffle, irk, trouble, harass, worry

"Perturb" Example Sentences

1. The small changes perturb me greatly.
2. The noise outside my window perturbs my sleep.
3. The loud music disturbed and perturbed the quiet neighborhood.
4. The slight variations in results perturb scientists seeking absolute consistency.
5. The contentious argument perturbed the peace of my afternoon.
6. The plane turbulence perturbed the passengers.
7. The unexplained phenomenon perturbed the astronomers.
8. His statement perturbed me, causing me to question my assumptions.
9. The disruption to my routine seriously perturbed me.
10. The findings perturbed and perplexed the researchers.
11. The deviation from the norm perturbed them.
12. The anomalies in the data perturbed the data analysts.
13. The disturbance perturbed the meditating monks.
14. The altercation perturbed the otherwise calm coffee shop.
15. The slight change in my wife's demeanor perturbed me greatly.
16. She could easily be perturbed by little things.
17. The misfiling perturbed the otherwise tidy librarian.
18. The mistake perturbed him more than he cared to admit.
19. The sight perturbed her, causing her to lose her appetite.
20. Her perturbation at the small discrepancy was evident.
21. The minor aberration perturbed him disproportionately.
22. The unfamiliar sound perturbed the sleeping child.
23. The slightest deviation from his routine would perturb him.
24. The irregular heartbeat perturbed his doctor.
25. The change in plans perturbed her relaxation.
26. The sudden noise greatly perturbed the quiet house.
27. The interruption perturbed their concentration on the task at hand.
28. The glitch in the program perturbed the coder.
29. Her brother's odd behavior perturbed and worried her.
30. The turbulence perturbed the already uneasy passengers.
31. The strange smell perturbed him.
32. His serenity was easily perturbed.
33. The stain perturbed her otherwise pristine house.
34. She was perturbed by his unexplained absence.
35. The discrepancy perturbed him.
36. The variance perturbed the statistician.
37. The incongruity perturbed the orderly mind.
38. The visitor perturbed the old man's daily routine.
39. The unknown perturbed her more than it should have.
40. The minor disturbance perturbs me greatly.
41. The slightest noise perturbs his meditation.
42. His routine was easily perturbed.
43. She was perturbed by the lack of order.
44. The stain perturbed her calm nature.
45. His serenity was easily perturbed.
46. The slight error perturbed her meticulousness.
47. The small change perturbs him greatly.
48. The slightest irregularity perturbed him.
49. The sight perturbed her delicate sensibilities.
50. Her tranquility was easily perturbed.
51. The minor incongruence perturbed her meticulous logic.
52. The dog's barking perturbed his concentration.
53. The interruption perturbed her thought process.
54. The misquoting perturbed the meticulous scholar.
55. The unfamiliar face perturbed his daily routine.
56. The plane's turbulence perturbed her stomach.
57. The smell perturbed his usually keen senses.
58. His calm was easily perturbed.
59. The unexpected guest perturbed their evening.
60. The news perturbed his otherwise peaceful day.

Common Phases

1. be perturbed - to feel upset or worried about something
2. easily perturbed - someone who gets upset or worried very quickly and easily
3. greatly perturbed - very upset or worried
4. perturb the equilibrium - disrupt a balanced or stable state
5. perturb the status quo - disrupt an existing stable situation or arrangement
6. perturb someone's serenity - disturb someone's peaceful state of mind
7. perturb someone's tranquility - disturb someone's calm and peaceful feeling
8. perturb someone's calm - upset someone who is otherwise at peace or composed
9. perturb one's routine - disrupt one's habitual pattern of behavior
10. perturb one's meditation - distract or interrupt someone during meditation
11. perturb someone disproportionately - upset or worry someone more than expected given the circumstances
12. perturbation at - feeling of upset or worry expressed about
13. perturb the peace - disturb peace or calm
14. perturb the quiet - disturb a quiet or silent environment
15. perturb sleep - disturb sleep
16. perturb dreams - disturb dreams
17. perturbations in - small disruptions or disturbances within
18. perturbations to - small disruptions or disturbances affecting

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