Petrichor example sentences

Related (14): aroma, smell, fragrance, dampness, wetness, earthy, musky, moist, dew, rain, scent, musty, ozone, mud.

"Petrichor" Example Sentences

1. The smell of petrichor filled the air after the rain.
2. The petrichor was so strong that it was almost overwhelming.
3. She loved the way the petrichor lingered in the air after a storm.
4. He could smell the petrichor from the other side of the room.
5. There was a faint hint of petrichor in the air.
6. The petrichor was so strong that it was almost intoxicating.
7. He took a deep breath, savoring the petrichor.
8. The petrichor was like a balm to her soul.
9. She could smell the petrichor on the breeze.
10. The petrichor was a welcome relief after the long dry spell.
11. The petrichor was the most pleasant smell in the world.
12. The petrichor was a reminder of the beauty of nature.
13. He inhaled deeply, savoring the petrichor in the air.
14. The petrichor was a reminder of the rain that had just passed.
15. The petrichor was a sign that the storm had passed.
16. She breathed in the petrichor, feeling a sense of peace.
17. The petrichor was a sign that the earth was alive and well.
18. The petrichor was a reminder of the power of nature.
19. He could smell the petrichor from the rain that had just fallen.
20. She breathed in the petrichor, feeling refreshed and invigorated.
21. The petrichor was a reminder of the beauty of the world.
22. The petrichor was a sign that the sun would soon return.
23. The petrichor was a welcome change from the oppressive heat.
24. She could smell the petrichor in the air, a sign of hope.
25. He could smell the petrichor from the rain that had just stopped.
26. The petrichor was a reminder of the cycle of life and death.
27. The petrichor was a sign that the rain had brought new life.
28. The petrichor was a sign that the drought was over.
29. She could smell the petrichor in the air, a sign of renewal.
30. He breathed in the petrichor, feeling a sense of peace.
31. The petrichor was a reminder of the beauty of the rain.
32. She could smell the petrichor in the air, a sign of hope and renewal.
33. The petrichor was a sign that the earth was still alive and thriving.
34. He could smell the petrichor in the air, a sign of new beginnings.
35. The petrichor was a reminder of the power of the rain.
36. She breathed in the petrichor, feeling a sense of comfort and peace.
37. The petrichor was a sign that the storm had passed and the sun would soon shine again.
38. He could smell the petrichor on the breeze, a sign of new life.
39. The petrichor was a reminder of the beauty of the world after the rain.
40. She breathed in the petrichor, feeling a sense of joy and contentment.

Common Phases

the smell of rain; the smell of earth after rain; the smell of wet soil; the smell of ozone; the smell of wet dust; the smell of wet stones; the smell of wet concrete; the smell of freshness; the smell of dampness; the smell of rain on dry ground.

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