Pewmiddle example sentences

Related (8): pew, middle, church, seating, congregants, worship, rows, aisle

"Pewmiddle" Example Sentences

1. The congregation sat in silence, with the pewmiddle empty.
2. I don't like sitting in the pewmiddle because I feel claustrophobic.
3. The usher directed the latecomers to the pewmiddle.
4. The bride's family reserved the pewmiddle for their closest friends.
5. As the choir sang, the pewmiddle vibrated with the harmonies.
6. The child misbehaved during Mass and was moved to the pewmiddle.
7. The elderly woman fell asleep in the warm embrace of the pewmiddle.
8. The pastor walked slowly down the aisle, his eyes fixed on the empty pewmiddle.
9. The priest paused at the pewmiddle, blessing those in attendance.
10. The pewmiddle was the only seat with enough legroom for the tall man.
11. The mother held her crying baby in the pewmiddle during the baptism.
12. The ushers politely asked the couple to move from the reserved pewmiddle.
13. The sunlight filtered through the stained-glass windows, illuminating the pewmiddle.
14. The choir members chatted quietly in the pewmiddle before their performance.
15. The newlywed couple beamed as they walked down the aisle, passing the pewmiddle.
16. The choir director tapped his foot in time to the music, standing in the pewmiddle.
17. The child scribbled on the hymnal, ignoring his mother's reminder to behave in the pewmiddle.
18. The bride's father greeted guests as they were seated in the pewmiddle.
19. The sound of snoring echoed in the empty pewmiddle during the homily.
20. The choir's soloist stood with confidence in the pewmiddle, ready to sing.
21. The ushers checked to make sure every seat in the pewmiddle was filled.
22. The groom's parents sat in the pewmiddle, tears in their eyes as they watched their son get married.
23. The congregation leaned forward in the pewmiddle, listening intently to the message.
24. The organist played a triumphant tune, filling the pewmiddle with celebratory music.
25. The child's shoe fell off in the pewmiddle, causing a brief disruption.
26. The mother and son held hands in the pewmiddle, deeply engaged in prayer.
27. The pastor smiled at the couple sitting in the pewmiddle, knowing they had just gotten engaged.
28. The choir finished their performance and returned to the pewmiddle, proud of their work.
29. The latecomers squeezed into the pewmiddle, grateful for any available space.
30. The wedding planner made a last-minute seating adjustment, moving the pewmiddle to accommodate more guests.

Common Phases

1. He was caught in the pewmiddle of the crowd;
2. She found herself in the pewmiddle of a heated debate;
3. The car broke down in the pewmiddle of nowhere;
4. He was stuck in the pewmiddle of rush hour traffic;
5. They were lost in the pewmiddle of a dense forest;
6. She was in the pewmiddle of preparing a meal when the power went out;
7. He was caught in the pewmiddle of a sudden rainstorm;
8. They were in the pewmiddle of a long and difficult journey;
9. She was sitting in the pewmiddle of the classroom, waiting for the lecture to begin;
10. They were in the pewmiddle of negotiating a business deal.

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