Physics example sentences

Related (5): Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Relativity.

"Physics" Example Sentences

1. He studied physics in college.
2. Physics teaches us about motion, forces, and energy.
3. Newton's laws of motion are fundamental principles in physics.
4. She took an AP Physics class in high school.
5. Physics explains how the universe works at its most basic level.
6. He has a PhD in theoretical physics.
7. Physics helps us understand how things move and change.
8. Newtonian physics describes motion using concepts like mass and acceleration.
9. Quantum physics explores strange phenomena on the atomic and subatomic level.
10. Relativity physics looks at motion and gravity at extreme scales.
11. She aced her physics exam.
12. Physics class was my favorite subject in school.
13. The laws of physics are universal and apply everywhere.
14. Physics experiments often involve precision equipment and measurements.
15. He studied dynamics in his physics course.
16. Physics class covered topics like kinematics, forces, and energy.
17. They learned about mechanics and optics in their physics course.
18. Physics helped him develop problem-solving and analytical skills.
19. String theory is a proposed theory of physics that attempts to unify quantum physics and relativity.
20. Her physics research focused on particle physics and cosmology.
21. He enjoys learning about the fascinating ideas in theoretical physics.
22. Most of modern technology relies on principles discovered through physics experiments.
23. Most physics formulas involve universal physical constants like the speed of light.
24. Static electricity is a basic physics concept.
25. He tackled challenging physics problems for fun.
26. The laws of physics don't care about human desires - they simply are.
27. She solved physics problems using calculus and algebra.
28. Quantum physics changed our understanding of reality at a fundamental level.
29. Physics labs involve hands-on experiments to test theories.
30. He studied fluid dynamics in his advanced physics course.
31. Conservation of energy is a fundamental principle in physics.
32. Momentum and forces are interrelated concepts in Newtonian physics.
33. Chemistry builds on the foundational ideas of physics.
34. Electrical circuits are studied in physics and engineering courses.
35. Waves and vibration are topics explored in physics classes.
36. The Lorentz transformation describes physics at relativistic speeds.
37. Thermodynamics is the study of heat and temperature from a physics perspective.
38. Classical physics does not accurately describe phenomena at the atomic scale.
39. Diffraction and interference of light are important concepts in physics.
40. Space and time became united in physics through Einstein's relativity theory.
41. Electric and magnetic fields are essential concepts studied in physics.
42. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a key concept in quantum physics.
43. Conservation laws govern physics at the most fundamental level.
44. He built physics models to demonstrate complex concepts.
45. Physics provides a unified view of nature and reality.
46. Nuclear physics explores the structure and properties of atomic nuclei.
47. Open-ended experiments are common in advanced physics courses.
48. Physics aims to discover universal truths through experiment and reasoning.
49. Equations in physics often represent relationships between different quantities.
50. Modern physics began with Einstein's theories of relativity.
51. The standard model describes fundamental particles and forces in physics.
52. She taught high school physics for many years.
53. Astronomy relies heavily on concepts and discoveries from physics.
54. Chaos theory studies seemingly random systems governed by deterministic physics.
55. Physics relies on mathematics as a tool to make quantitative predictions.
56. Holograms demonstrate wave interference, an important physics concept.
57. Conservation of momentum is essential for understanding collisions.
58. The Bohr model of the atom helped physicists understand quantum phenomena.
59. Physicists test theories using repeatable experiments in controlled conditions.
60. Physics aims to find simple, elegant explanations for complex phenomena.

Common Phases

1. She studied physics in college.
2. He is taking an advanced physics class this semester.
3. They did an experiment in their physics lab.
4. The new physics teacher made the subject fun and interesting.
5. I struggled with the physics homework all night.
6. She received an A in physics but failed chemistry.
7. Quantum physics deals with phenomena at the atomic and subatomic levels.
8. Newton's laws of motion are fundamental principles in physics.
9. Her favorite topic in physics was thermodynamics.
10. They are learning about forces and motion in their physics class.
11. Physics explores how the universe works at its most fundamental levels.
12. The math in physics class was challenging.
13. She got her PhD in theoretical physics.
14. Physics explains how objects move and interact with each other.
15. Mechanics is the branch of physics that studies forces and motion.
16. He won an award for his groundbreaking research in particle physics.
17. Optics is the branch of physics that studies the properties and behavior of light.
18. Physics seeks to understand the nature and properties of matter and energy.
19. Einstein fundamentally changed our view of physics with his theories of relativity.
20. Electricity and magnetism are important topics in physics.
21. Their physics lab focused on projectile motion and trajectories.
22. Classical physics deals with macroscopic objects and non-relativistic speeds.
23. Quantum physics deals with the strange world of the very small.
24. The physics department at the college was well-known and highly ranked.
25. She wanted to go into research after graduating with a degree in physics.
26. Isaac Newton's discoveries revolutionized the field of physics.
27. Thermodynamics studies the relationships between heat, work, and temperature.
28. Physics helps us understand how the universe works at its most basic level.
29. They studied electromagnetic waves and energy in physics class.
30. The professor gave an interesting lecture on condensed matter physics.
31. Physics involves a lot of problem-solving and mathematical modeling.
32. They covered fluid mechanics and acoustics in their physics course.
33. Physics helps us understand phenomena that we observe in our everyday lives.
34. He taught advanced placement physics at the local high school.
35. He had a passion for physics from a young age.
36. Astronomy and astrophysics apply the principles of physics to the cosmos.
37. They investigated concepts in classical mechanics in their physics course.
38. Physics seeks to develop a set of laws that describe the behavior of nature.
39. She plans to major in physics with a focus on astrophysics.
40. The course explored chaos theory and nonlinear physics.
41. The laws of physics are considered immutable and universal.
42. Newton's discoveries helped lay the foundations of modern physics.
43. Physics helps explain many technological advancements throughout history.
44. She took honors physics her junior and senior years of high school.
45. Physical laws in physics utilize mathematics to describe physical phenomena.
46. Solid state physics deals with the properties of materials at the atomic scale.
47. Statistical physics deals with the behavior of systems with many particles.
48. He co-authored a paper that was published in a top physics journal.
49. Chemistry and physics are closely related fields of science.
50. The physics teacher made the material come alive with demonstrations.
51. Physics seeks to reveal the basic rules that govern the universe.
52. They performed experiments to test the laws of physics.
53. Physics plays an important role in our understanding of the natural world.
54. Her graduate research focused on physics education.
55. Physics is an experimental and mathematical science.
56. The physics demonstration fascinated all of the students.
57. Physics applies mathematics as a tool to describe the physical universe.
58. The physics department had a well-equipped lab for students to conduct experiments.
59. Physics is a fundamental science that underpins many other sciences.
60. Nuclear physics deals with the properties and behavior of atoms.

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